Shows Like yA (2020)

yA (2020)

No reviews

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Chiara D’Ambrosio, Bianca D’Ambrosio, Dante Aleksander, Damoni Burkhardt

1 season, 10 episodes

Shows Most Like yA (2020)

The Agency (2018)


No reviews


Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Kristos Andrews, Brandon Beemer, Chad Duell, Celeste Fianna
Creators: David McKenzie

FraXtur (2020)

FraXtur (2020)

8.2 / 10 (based on 12 reviews)


Genre: Sci-Fi

Main Cast: Brittany Curran, Chasty Ballesteros, Ciara Hanna, Cody Saintgnue
Creators: Christopher Ray, Zack Ward

1 season, 9 episodes

This Just In (2016)

Rob Pinkston, Jennifer Veal, Elizabeth Stanton, Kristos Andrews, and Wyntergrace Williams in This Just In (2016)

5.2 / 10 (based on 23 reviews)

THIS JUST IN is a brand-new youth oriented single camera comedy that is best described as “zany with a heart” Elizabeth Stanton stars as a socially repressed teenager who arrives at a new school and falls quickly into a group of rather eclectic friends each with their own issues. They each find that they have a unique bond all centering around the school’s television and social media channels. The characters refer to the viewer quite often by breaking the fourth wall as they vlog their commentaries on events of the day. This allows the viewer to be involved as “one of the friends”.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Elizabeth Stanton, Wyntergrace Williams, Jesse LeBeau, Kristos Andrews

1 season, 22 episodes

The TV show “yA” (2020) has garnered attention for its unique take on the young adult genre, setting itself apart from its contemporaries with its storytelling, character development, and thematic depth. This article aims to shed light on what makes “yA” stand out, exploring its narrative structure, character arcs, and the way it addresses complex themes.

Unpacking the Narrative

At its core, “yA” is more than just another entry in the young adult category. It’s a nuanced exploration of the trials and tribulations of adolescence, but with a twist. The show is set in a world that’s both familiar and fantastical, blending everyday teenage concerns with elements of the supernatural. This blend not only keeps viewers on their toes but also serves as a metaphor for the unpredictability of growing up.

The narrative structure of “yA” is worth noting. Unlike many of its peers, which often follow a linear, predictable path, “yA” opts for a more complex approach. The storyline weaves in and out of multiple timelines, offering viewers a richer, more layered understanding of the characters and their motivations. This storytelling technique not only keeps the audience engaged but also encourages a deeper connection to the characters’ journeys.

Character Arcs That Resonate

Speaking of characters, “yA” excels in creating relatable, multi-dimensional characters that defy the usual stereotypes found in young adult TV shows. The protagonists are not just dealing with the angst and drama of teenage life; they’re also grappling with issues like identity, mental health, and societal expectations. These are not your cookie-cutter characters; they’re complex individuals with flaws and virtues that make them feel real.

For example, the show’s main character, Alex, starts off as a typical high school outsider. However, as the series progresses, we see Alex’s growth into a confident, resilient individual. This transformation is depicted with nuance and sensitivity, avoiding the trap of sudden, unrealistic changes. Alex’s journey is one many viewers can relate to, making it a compelling aspect of the show.

Tackling Complex Themes

“yA” doesn’t shy away from addressing heavy themes, but it does so with care and thoughtfulness. Topics such as mental health, family dynamics, and social inequality are woven into the fabric of the show, making it relevant and thought-provoking. The show’s creators have managed to strike a balance between entertainment and education, providing viewers with food for thought without coming across as preachy.

One of the standout themes of “yA” is the importance of understanding and empathy. Through its characters and storylines, the show emphasizes the value of seeing the world from different perspectives. This message is particularly relevant in today’s society, where empathy often seems in short supply. “yA” serves as a reminder of the power of compassion and the importance of listening to others’ stories.

Why “yA” Stands Out

So, what sets “yA” apart from the plethora of young adult shows out there? It’s a combination of factors – its innovative narrative structure, its complex characters, and its willingness to tackle difficult themes with sensitivity and intelligence. But beyond these elements, there’s something intangible about “yA” that resonates with viewers. Perhaps it’s the show’s authenticity, its ability to capture the essence of the teenage experience in a way that feels both universal and deeply personal.

Moreover, “yA” has been praised for its diverse cast and inclusive storytelling. The show makes a conscious effort to represent a variety of backgrounds, identities, and experiences, reflecting the reality of today’s youth. This inclusivity is not just a token gesture; it’s integral to the show’s narrative and adds to its richness and depth.

The Impact of “yA”

The impact of “yA” extends beyond its entertainment value. The show has sparked conversations about the issues it addresses, from mental health awareness to the importance of diversity and representation in media. It’s a testament to the power of storytelling, showing how TV shows can influence perceptions and encourage dialogue on important topics.

Furthermore, “yA” has inspired a loyal fanbase, drawn together by their love for the show and its characters. Online forums and social media platforms are filled with discussions about “yA,” from theories about future plot twists to personal stories about how the show has touched viewers’ lives. This community aspect is another facet of the show’s success, creating a space for fans to connect and share their experiences.


In conclusion, “yA” is a standout show in the young adult genre, offering a fresh, thoughtful take on the coming-of-age narrative. Its innovative storytelling, complex characters, and willingness to address challenging themes set it apart from its peers. But more than that, “yA” resonates with viewers on a personal level, capturing the highs and lows of adolescence with authenticity and empathy.

As “yA” continues to make its mark, it serves as a reminder of the potential for TV shows to not just entertain, but also enlighten and inspire. Whether you’re a teenager navigating the complexities of growing up or an adult looking back on your own youth, “yA” offers something for everyone – a reflection of the messy, beautiful journey of coming of age.

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