Shows Like Vurgun (2018)

Nur Inan-Atay, Asli Elveren, Önder Atay, Peri Elveren, Erkan Atay, Bati Elveren, Beste Atay, and Zerrin Atay in Vurgun (2018)

6.6 / 10 (based on 14 reviews)

Nur is a ‘de facto mother’ who left her children behind herself twenty years ago. She tosses herself from a lie to another to take care of her children without them knowing. But until when? The beginning of some stories are uncertain.

Genre: Animation, Drama

Main Cast: Nur Inan-Atay, Asli Elveren, Bati Elveren, Selçuk Atay

3 seasons, 35 episodes, 25-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Vurgun (2018)

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4.5 / 10 (based on 207 reviews)

The story of two strangers (Batu and Kumsal) who arrive in Istanbul from Izmir to look for happiness.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Main Cast: Kaan Yildirim, Ezgi Eyüboglu, Dilara Aksüyek, Ceyhun Mengiroglu

1 season, 17 episodes, 120.0-minute runtime

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Hayat Agaci (2014)

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Genre: Drama

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1 season, 13 episodes

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Genre: Animation, Drama, Music

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Creators: Alina Kovaleva

2 seasons, 20 episodes

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1 season, 3 episodes

Vurgun, a Turkish drama that aired in 2018, has since then carved its niche in the realm of television with its gripping storyline, complex characters, and the emotional rollercoaster it takes its viewers on. Unlike many shows that rely on overused tropes and predictable plots, Vurgun stands out for its fresh take on love, betrayal, and revenge. This article aims to dissect the elements that make Vurgun a must-watch, without resorting to cliches or embellishments.

The Premise

At its core, Vurgun tells the story of Kemal Vardar, a man who wakes up from a 15-year-long coma, only to find his world turned upside down. His wife, Reyhan, has remarried, and his business empire is on the brink of collapse. The premise itself sets the stage for a narrative filled with conflict, heartbreak, and the quest for retribution. What makes Vurgun intriguing is not just the storyline but how it delves into the psyche of its characters, making their actions and motivations believable and relatable.

Characters That Feel Real

Kemal Vardar

Kemal, portrayed brilliantly by Erkan Petekkaya, is a character that defies the typical revenge-seeking protagonist mold. Yes, he is driven by the need to reclaim what he lost, but his journey is layered with moments of vulnerability, self-doubt, and a deep sense of loss. Petekkaya’s performance brings out the human side of Kemal, making viewers empathize with his plight rather than just cheering for his victories.


Reyhan’s character, played by Deniz Çakır, is another highlight of the show. Often in dramas, the wife who moves on is painted in a negative light, but Vurgun takes a different approach. Reyhan’s struggle, her guilt over moving on, and her torn loyalties add depth to her character. Çakır’s portrayal ensures that Reyhan is not just seen as Kemal’s wife or the other woman but as a person with her own desires, fears, and dilemmas.

The Art of Storytelling

Vurgun excels in how it tells its story. The narrative is tightly woven, with each episode revealing a layer that adds to the suspense and drama. The pacing is just right, ensuring that viewers are always on the edge of their seats without feeling overwhelmed. Flashbacks are used effectively, providing context and background without derailing the current storyline.

One aspect that sets Vurgun apart is its refusal to dumb down the plot for the audience. The show trusts its viewers to keep up with its twists and turns, making the payoff all the more satisfying.

Themes Worth Exploring

Love and Loyalty

At its heart, Vurgun is a story about love and loyalty, but not in the traditional sense. It challenges the notion of blind loyalty and unconditional love, asking tough questions about the limits of both. The characters are often faced with choices that pit their love for someone against their own principles or desires, making for compelling drama.

Revenge and Redemption

The theme of revenge is central to Vurgun, but so is the theme of redemption. The show explores whether it’s possible to come back from the brink, to rebuild one’s life and find forgiveness, both from others and oneself. This duality keeps the narrative engaging and prevents it from becoming a one-dimensional revenge saga.

Why Vurgun Stands Out

In a sea of TV shows, Vurgun distinguishes itself through its storytelling, character development, and thematic depth. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth your time:

  • Realistic Characters: Characters in Vurgun are flawed, complex, and undergo significant growth, making them feel like real people rather than caricatures.
  • Engaging Plot: The show’s plot is engaging without being overly complicated, striking the perfect balance between drama and believability.
  • Emotional Depth: Vurgun isn’t afraid to explore the emotional spectrum, from love and happiness to betrayal and grief, making it a deeply moving experience.
  • Quality Production: From the cinematography to the soundtrack, the quality of production in Vurgun is top-notch, enhancing the overall viewing experience.

Final Thoughts

Vurgun is more than just a TV show; it’s a study in human emotions, relationships, and the consequences of our choices. It manages to entertain while also making viewers think, something not many shows can claim to do.

For those tired of the same old storylines and characters, Vurgun offers a breath of fresh air. It’s a testament to the power of good storytelling and character development, proving that you don’t need gimmicks or flashy effects to make a show worth watching.

In conclusion, Vurgun is a beautifully crafted drama that deserves its place among the best TV shows of its time. Whether you’re a fan of Turkish dramas or new to the genre, it’s a show that promises to deliver on all fronts, leaving you moved, entertained, and perhaps a little wiser.

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