Shows Like Turquoise Fever (2019)

Turquoise Fever (2019)

7.1 / 10 (based on 65 reviews)

Turquoise Fever follows the Otteson clan in a quest for gems long buried in the Nevada desert. The rewards are great but the risks are high.

Genre: Reality-TV

Main Cast: Emily Otteson, Tony Otteson, Jon Armond, Danny Otteson

1 season, 7 episodes

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In the vast, arid expanses of the Nevada desert, a unique treasure lies hidden beneath the rugged terrain, a gem that has captivated humans for centuries—turquoise. This precious stone, with its mesmerizing shades of blue and green, is the focal point of the intriguing TV show “Turquoise Fever.” This series, which first aired in 2019, provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of turquoise mining, a profession that combines the allure of treasure hunting with the harsh realities of working in one of the most challenging environments on Earth.

The Otteson Family: Turquoise Hunters

At the heart of “Turquoise Fever” is the Otteson family, a clan with deep roots in turquoise mining. The Ottesons are not your average miners; they are part of a lineage that has been extracting turquoise from the Nevada soil for generations. Their intimate knowledge of the land, combined with a relentless work ethic, makes them the perfect subjects for a show that aims to shed light on this unique occupation.

The family dynamic is a critical element of the series. Viewers get to see how the Ottesons balance the demands of their business with family life, a challenge that many can relate to, albeit in different professions. The interactions among family members, from the seasoned veterans to the eager younger generation itching to make their mark, add a personal touch to the narrative, making “Turquoise Fever” more than just a show about mining.

The Mining Process: A Blend of Tradition and Technology

One of the most compelling aspects of “Turquoise Fever” is its detailed portrayal of the turquoise mining process. The show does an excellent job of demystifying the techniques used to locate and extract turquoise, offering viewers a rare look at a profession that operates largely out of the public eye.

The Ottesons employ a combination of traditional methods, passed down through generations, and modern technology to increase their chances of success. From the initial surveying of potential sites to the thrilling moment of uncovering a vein of turquoise, the series captures the painstaking efforts involved in turquoise mining. It’s a process that requires patience, precision, and a bit of luck, elements that the Ottesons navigate with expertise and optimism.

The Challenges of Turquoise Mining

“Turquoise Fever” doesn’t shy away from the difficulties and dangers associated with turquoise mining. The Nevada desert is an unforgiving environment, with extreme temperatures and unpredictable weather posing constant threats. The physical labor involved in mining is intense, requiring both strength and endurance. Additionally, the financial stakes are high; a lot of resources are invested in the search for turquoise, with no guarantee of finding valuable stones.

The series does an admirable job of highlighting these challenges, providing a realistic portrayal of the highs and lows of the mining business. It’s a reminder of the hard work and risks that go into obtaining the turquoise that adorns jewelry and art pieces around the world.

The Appeal of Turquoise

But what makes turquoise so special? “Turquoise Fever” explores the cultural and historical significance of this gemstone, which has been revered by various civilizations for millennia. The beauty of turquoise, with its unique color variations and patterns, is undeniable. However, its value goes beyond aesthetics. Turquoise holds spiritual and symbolic importance in many cultures, especially among Native American peoples for whom it represents healing, protection, and power.

The show delves into the global market for turquoise, illustrating how the demand for high-quality stones drives the Ottesons’ efforts. The competition among miners, the challenges of distinguishing genuine turquoise from imitations, and the fluctuating prices of the gemstone are all factors that add layers of complexity to the turquoise trade.

Why Watch “Turquoise Fever”?

So, why should someone watch “Turquoise Fever”? First and foremost, it’s an educational journey into a world that few know exists. The show offers a unique blend of adventure, family dynamics, and business challenges, all set against the backdrop of the stunning Nevada desert. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s resilience, showcasing individuals who are passionate about their craft despite the obstacles.

Moreover, “Turquoise Fever” serves as a reminder of the value of hard work and the importance of preserving traditions. The Ottesons’ dedication to their family business and their commitment to ethical mining practices are inspiring, highlighting the significance of responsible stewardship of natural resources.


In a television landscape often dominated by reality shows focused on manufactured drama, “Turquoise Fever” stands out as a genuine portrayal of a unique American tradition. It’s a series that educates, entertains, and inspires, offering viewers a window into the challenging yet rewarding world of turquoise mining.

Whether you’re a fan of gemstones, interested in mining, or simply looking for a show that offers something different, “Turquoise Fever” is worth checking out. It’s a series that proves the adage that sometimes, the most valuable treasures are found not in the spotlight, but hidden beneath the surface, waiting to be discovered by those who are willing to dig deep.

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