Shows Like Toute la vie (2019)

Roy Dupuis, Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, and Cassandra Latreille in Toute la vie (2019)

8.5 / 10 (based on 46 reviews)

-Marie-Labrecque School is a unique institution in the world. It welcomes about sixty girls aged 12 to 17, all pregnant or young mothers. It has the dual mission of ensuring their schooling and preparing them to assume their role of mother to the point where, after childbirth, they will be able to take care of the fragile and totally dependent little creature they gave birth to.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Hélène Bourgeois Leclerc, Roy Dupuis, Cassandra Latreille, Karl Walcott

3 seasons, 53 episodes, 60-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Toute la vie (2019)

District 31 (2016)

Vincent-Guillaume Otis and Magalie Lépine Blondeau in District 31 (2016)

8.4 / 10 (based on 500 reviews)

A Montreal police station dealing with crimes that happen in big cities; kidnappings, break-ins, murders, family violence, drug trafficking, terrorism and more.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Gildor Roy, Michel Charette, Vincent-Guillaume Otis, Sébastien Delorme

6 seasons, 656 episodes, 22.0-minute runtime

Plan B (2017)

Louis Morissette in Plan B (2017)

8.1 / 10 (based on 244 reviews)

Et si c’était possible de faire marche arrière dans le temps pour modifier le cours des événements et changer sa destinée? Et si une deuxième chance nous était offerte? Et si c’était possible grâce à Plan B – Le jour où Philippe perd l’amour de sa vie, Evelyne, il découvre une invraisemblable compagnie du nom de Plan B qui offre la possibilité de revenir dans le passé. Après un premier essai fructueux, Philippe réalise l’immense pouvoir que lui donne ce stratagème. Il voudra donc aussi s’en servir au profit de son cabinet d’avocats qu’il possède avec son associé/ami/beau-frère Patrice et pour remettre son frère André sur le droit chemin. Mais Philippe réalisera qu’un choix nouveau, aussi minime soit-il, a des répercussions aussi incontrôlables qu’insoupçonnées sur sa vie et celle des autres. Plus rien ne sera sans conséquence. Le jeu en vaut-il la chandelle? Valait-il mieux accepter son véritable destin?

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi

Main Cast: Louis Morissette, Magalie Lépine Blondeau, Émile Proulx-Cloutier, Linda Sorgini

3 seasons, 13 episodes, 30.0-minute runtime

Cerebrum (2019)


7.3 / 10 (based on 127 reviews)

-Henri Lacombe is a psychiatrist at the National Institute of Mental Health where he has just been promoted to director. Day after day, Henri’s mission is to soothe the suffering of his patients. He is the spouse of Anne Beaulieu, a consultant psychologist in a private clinic. Woman, but certainly demanding with his entourage. Together, they educate 17-year-old William, a bit too sensitive, and the stubborn 19-year-old Marine who claims nothing less than her right not to respect authority. Two loving parents who, like everyone else, have to deal with the ups and downs of everyday life.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Christine Beaulieu, Claude Legault, Olivier Gervais-Courchesne, Marianne Verville
Creators: Richard Blaimert

2 seasons, 13 episodes

5e Rang (2019)


7.5 / 10 (based on 40 reviews)

-Wife, mother, eldest of a sibling of five sisters and devoted heiress to the family farm, Marie-Luce’s world was transformed when her husband Guy died. Indeed, the latter is found half eaten in the pig pen. Murder or accident? This brutal discovery will disturb the tranquility of all those around him and the residents of the village of Valmont and will bring out in everyone the most beautiful and ugly things.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Inka Malovic, Léa Girard-Nadeau, Michel Laperrière, Lorna Kidjo

2 seasons, 26 episodes

Les Mecs (2020)


7.9 / 10 (based on 92 reviews)

Guys (Les Mecs) is a sharp comedy about male behaviour, gender relations and intergenerational expectations, where four male friends, Martin, Eric, Christian, and Simon, now in their 50’s, struggle to stay relevant in today’s life.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Yanic Truesdale, Alexandre Nachi, Alexis Martin, Julie Ménard

2 seasons, 20 episodes

M’entends-tu? (2018)

M'entends-tu? (2018)

7.8 / 10 (based on 773 reviews)

-‘M’entends-tu?’ is a dramatic comedy that plunges us into the unusual daily life of Ada, Fabiola and Carolanne, three long-time friends from the midst of poverty.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Ève Landry, Florence Longpré, Mélissa Bédard, Pascale Renaud-Hébert

3 seasons, 30 episodes, 30.0-minute runtime

Série Noire (2014)

Marc Beaupré, François Létourneau, and Vincent-Guillaume Otis in Série Noire (2014)

8.5 / 10 (based on 1068 reviews)

Two TV writers whose critically savaged police show is a surprise hit decide that they need real criminal experiences to spice up their second season.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama

Main Cast: François Létourneau, Vincent-Guillaume Otis, Édith Cochrane, Marc Beaupré

2 seasons, 22 episodes, 24.0-minute runtime

In the landscape of television, where shows come and go with the changing seasons, some manage to leave a lasting impression. “Toute la vie,” a Canadian drama that premiered in 2019, is one such show that has carved its niche. It’s not just another drama series; it’s a narrative that delves into the complexities of life, love, and the choices we make. This article aims to explore the various facets of “Toute la vie,” shedding light on what makes it a must-watch.

The Premise

At its core, “Toute la vie” revolves around a group of young pregnant women at a shelter, L’Accueil, and the staff who support them through their journey. The series is set in Montreal, Quebec, and offers a unique blend of personal drama and social commentary. Each character brings their own story, challenges, and dreams to the table, making for a rich tapestry of narratives.

Characters and Relationships

One of the show’s strengths lies in its well-developed characters. From the young women facing unplanned pregnancies to the dedicated staff at the shelter, each individual is fleshed out with their own backstories, fears, and aspirations. The relationships between these characters are the heart of the show, depicting a wide range of dynamics from supportive friendships to complex romantic entanglements and everything in between.

Examples of Character Dynamics

  • The bond between the young women at the shelter is particularly noteworthy. Despite their different backgrounds and circumstances, they find common ground and support in each other, showcasing the strength of communal bonds.
  • The relationship between the shelter’s staff and the residents is another highlight. It’s not just professional; it’s deeply personal. The staff often go beyond their duties to offer genuine care and support, reflecting the complexities of such relationships in real-life scenarios.

Themes and Social Commentary

“Toute la vie” doesn’t shy away from tackling heavy themes. It addresses issues such as teenage pregnancy, abortion, adoption, and the stigmas attached to young mothers. Moreover, it explores these themes with nuance and sensitivity, inviting viewers to think critically about these societal issues.

Teenage Pregnancy and Stigma

One of the recurring themes is the stigma surrounding teenage pregnancy. The show does an excellent job of portraying the judgment and challenges these young women face, both from society and sometimes their own families. It’s a poignant reminder of the need for empathy and understanding in such situations.

Adoption and Family Dynamics

Adoption is another significant theme, with several characters grappling with the decision to keep their baby or place them for adoption. These storylines offer a glimpse into the emotional turmoil and complexities involved in such decisions, highlighting the importance of support and informed choices.

The Impact of “Toute la vie”

Since its debut, “Toute la vie” has garnered attention for its authentic portrayal of sensitive topics and its ability to engage viewers on an emotional level. The show has sparked conversations about the realities faced by young pregnant women and the importance of supportive communities.

Viewer Engagement

The response from viewers has been overwhelmingly positive, with many praising the show for its realistic characters and compelling storylines. It’s not just entertainment; it’s a series that resonates with people’s experiences and challenges preconceived notions about pregnancy and motherhood.

Critical Acclaim

Critically, “Toute la vie” has been lauded for its writing, direction, and performances. The show’s ability to balance drama with moments of light-heartedness and hope has been particularly appreciated, making it a standout in the realm of television dramas.

Why “Toute la vie” is a Must-Watch

So, why should you add “Toute la vie” to your watchlist? Here are a few compelling reasons:

  • Rich, Complex Characters: The show offers a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique story and perspective.
  • Engaging Storylines: The narratives are both personal and universal, touching on themes that resonate with many viewers.
  • Social Commentary: “Toute la vie” provides insightful commentary on important social issues, encouraging viewers to think and engage with the topics presented.
  • Emotional Depth: The show masterfully balances drama with moments of joy and hope, making for an emotionally engaging viewing experience.


“Toute la vie” is more than just a TV show; it’s a nuanced exploration of life’s challenges and the beauty of human connection. Through its compelling characters, engaging storylines, and thoughtful social commentary, the show invites viewers to reflect on the complexities of life and the power of empathy. Whether you’re drawn to drama, interested in social issues, or simply looking for a show that offers depth and substance, “Toute la vie” is a series that deserves your attention.

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