Shows Like Tian cai ji ben fa (2022)

Tian cai ji ben fa (2022)

7.5 / 10 (based on 32 reviews)

Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance

Main Cast: Zifeng Zhang, Jiayin Lei, Steven Zhang

1 season, 34 episodes, 45-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Tian cai ji ben fa (2022)

Love Like the Galaxy (2022)

Love Like the Galaxy (2022)

8.5 / 10 (based on 650 reviews)

The young Cheng Shao Shang was left behind because her parents had gone off to fight in the war. In order to protect herself from her scheming aunt, she had to be extra diligent while pretending to be the opposite. However, years of estrangement have made it difficult for them to become family again. Lacking love her whole life, Cheng Shao Shang is both pragmatic and insecure in choosing a partner for marriage. She encounters three men–the emperor’s adopted son Ling Bu Yi, the talented Yuan Shen of Bailu Mountain, and the aristocrat Lou Yao who each have their pros and cons. Although the road to love is bumpy, she never regrets any choice she makes. Through her interactions with Ling Bu Yi, she unintentionally becomes involved in the mystery surrounding his family and his identity. The two grow from their experiences and work together, upholding the righteousness in their hearts to resolve a national crisis.

Genre: Drama, Mystery, Romance

Main Cast:

2 seasons, 56 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Tian sheng chang ge (2018)

Tian sheng chang ge (2018)

8.4 / 10 (based on 1614 reviews)

The story of power, desire, lust and love among people of different kingdoms in ancient China. No matter who you are, you have to rise from the mud to become The Great Phoenix.

Genre: Drama, History, Romance

Main Cast: Kun Chen, Hong Yuan, Ni Ni, Ou Wang

1 season, 56 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

Cang Lan Jue (2021)


8.6 / 10 (based on 1356 reviews)

A girl whose tribe was vanquished by Demon Lord, Qingcang was reborn. To gain freedom from a curse Dongfang must sacrifice Lanhua’s soul. In the process, the heartless demon falls in love with the young fairy.

Genre: Comedy, Fantasy, History, Romance

Main Cast: Xiaoting Guo, Yitong Li, Dylan Wang, Haiqiao Xu

Kai duan (2022)

Jinmai Zhao and Jingting Bai in Kai duan (2022)

8.1 / 10 (based on 872 reviews)

A video game architect and a college girl’s life are keep being reset after encountering a bus-bomb explosion. During each reset, they worked together with the police to find the truth and try to save the innocent people.

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Main Cast: Tao Liu, Jingting Bai, Jinmai Zhao, Jue Huang

1 season, 15 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Chen mo de zhen xiang (2020)


8.2 / 10 (based on 791 reviews)

In the story of The Long Night, the suspect discarded the body after his murder but was unexpectedly caught red-handed on the spot in broad daylight. There were at least hundreds of witnesses on the spot and the suspect confessed everything about the crime process. The testimony of witness, physical evidence, oral confession and chain of evidence were complete. While the procuratorate had public persecution of the suspect officially, the case changed suddenly. What stunning crime was hidden behind? To seek truth, a procurator spent ten years investigating this and it cost him youth, career, reputation, family and even his life.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery

Main Cast: Fan Liao, Yu Bai, Xiaolin Lü, Chao Niu

1 season, 12 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Xiang jian ni (2019)


8.6 / 10 (based on 1431 reviews)

Yu-Hsuan lost her boyfriend Chuan-Sheng in plane accident. She then discovered Chuan-Sheng and a girl look alike Yu-Hsuan both appeared in a photo taken in 1998. Accidentally, she had backed to 1998 and met a boy looked alike Chuan-Sheng.

Genre: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi

Main Cast: Chia-Yen Ko, Greg Han Hsu, Po-Yu Shih, Han Chang

1 season, 13 episodes, 72.0-minute runtime

Night Wanderer (2022)

Ni Ni and Allen Deng in Night Wanderer (2022)

No reviews

Time and space of 1936-2016 are staggered in an old apartment in Shanghai. This is a fateful, extremely romantic miracle love. It connects Shanghai at both ends of time and space, and connects two people who have been loved and forgotten.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Allen Deng, Ye Gao, Ni Ni, Duo Wang

Gong Xun (2021)


8.1 / 10 (based on 23 reviews)


Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Xun Zhou, Ni Ni, Dong Jin, Jiayin Lei

2 episodes


In the vast landscape of television, every once in a while, a show emerges that not only captures the imagination of its audience but also challenges the status quo of storytelling. “Tian cai ji ben fa” (2022), or “The Genius Basic Law” in English, is one such show. It’s a unique blend of drama, intellect, and sheer creativity that has resonated with viewers globally. This article aims to dissect the elements that make “Tian cai ji ben fa” a must-watch, steering clear of the usual fluff and getting straight to the point.

The Premise

At its core, “Tian cai ji ben fa” is about the trials and tribulations of a group of young, talented individuals who are part of an elite school. These students aren’t your average high schoolers; they are geniuses in various fields, from mathematics and science to music and art. The show explores their interactions, competitions, friendships, and the pressures they face from society, their families, and themselves.

Character Development

One of the show’s strongest suits is its character development. Each character is meticulously crafted with a backstory that is both believable and engaging. For instance, the protagonist, who excels in mathematics, struggles with the weight of expectations from his family and society. His journey of self-discovery and his efforts to balance his passion with his responsibilities are relatable and compelling.

The supporting characters are not mere fillers; they have their arcs that contribute significantly to the narrative. For example, a musician in the group battles with the fear of losing her creativity under the burden of academic excellence. These individual stories weave together to form a rich tapestry that is both inspiring and thought-provoking.

Plot Twists and Turns

What sets “Tian cai ji ben fa” apart from other shows in the genre is its ability to keep the audience on their toes. Just when you think you’ve figured out the direction of the story, it throws a curveball that challenges your assumptions. These plot twists are not just for shock value; they are well-thought-out and integral to the story’s progression.

For example, a seemingly inconsequential character introduced in the early episodes plays a pivotal role in a major plot twist towards the end. This not only adds depth to the story but also keeps the viewers engaged, making them eager to see what happens next.

Themes and Messages

The show delves into themes that are both timeless and timely. It addresses the idea of genius and the societal expectations that come with it. It questions the traditional metrics of success and challenges the notion that academic excellence is the only path to achievement.

Moreover, “Tian cai ji ben fa” explores the importance of friendship, empathy, and understanding. It shows that even among the most gifted individuals, human emotions and connections are what truly matter. These themes are presented in a manner that is neither preachy nor diluted, striking the perfect balance between entertainment and enlightenment.

Cinematography and Music

The visual and auditory elements of “Tian cai ji ben fa” deserve a special mention. The cinematography is stunning, with each frame carefully composed to reflect the mood and tone of the scene. The use of lighting and color palette enhances the storytelling, making the visual experience as compelling as the narrative itself.

The music score is another highlight of the show. It complements the story beautifully, accentuating the emotional beats and adding an extra layer of depth to the scenes. The soundtrack, which includes both original scores and well-chosen licensed tracks, is impactful and memorable.

Impact and Reception

Since its release, “Tian cai ji ben fa” has garnered both critical acclaim and a dedicated fanbase. It has sparked discussions about the education system, the nature of genius, and the pressures faced by young people today. The show has resonated with a wide audience, from teenagers struggling with their identity to adults reflecting on their life choices.

The positive reception can be attributed to the show’s authenticity and its ability to connect with viewers on a personal level. It’s a testament to the power of well-crafted storytelling and the universal appeal of its themes.


“Tian cai ji ben fa” is more than just a TV show; it’s a reflection of the complexities of modern life and the human condition. It challenges viewers to think, feel, and perhaps see the world a little differently. With its compelling characters, intriguing plot, and profound themes, it stands out as a beacon of quality storytelling in the crowded landscape of television.

For those who haven’t watched it yet, “Tian cai ji ben fa” is not just another show to add to your watchlist; it’s an experience that is both enriching and entertaining. And for those who have, it’s a show that keeps on giving, revealing new layers and nuances upon each viewing. In a world where content is often fleeting and forgettable, “Tian cai ji ben fa” leaves a lasting impression, making it truly evergreen.

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