Shows Like The Wanderer (2019)

The Wanderer (2019)

6.8 / 10 (based on 12 reviews)

It’s 1958. World War II veteran Louis Valentini takes a traveling salesman job, selling jewelry to women across the continent. But his natural good looks and unknown past will soon get in the way of his girl, his career, and the law.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Jonathan Stoddard, Brittany Mann, Sarah Malberg, Paul Lauden

1 season, 6 episodes

Shows Most Like The Wanderer (2019)

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Sons of Thunder (2019)

5.1 / 10 (based on 150 reviews)

Combat vet Simon motorcycles across the country, working odd jobs, helping those God puts in his path, and trying to atone for past sins in a biker club.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Randal Reeder, Mavrick Von Haug, Vanessa Angel, Charlene Amoia

2 seasons, 14 episodes

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4.4 / 10 (based on 66 reviews)

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Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Antonio Sabato Jr., Carey Scott, Crystal Hunt, Christina Collard

2 seasons, 32 episodes

Finding Love in Quarantine (2020)


5.1 / 10 (based on 117 reviews)

A shocking medical crisis rages outside. Inside, Rick Baldwin is trying to manage a household and home-school mayhem, all while reconnecting with his young daughter, Gracie.

Genre: Drama, Romance

Main Cast: David A.R. White, Alex Watson, Gregg Binkley, Ocean White

1 season, 8 episodes, 15.0-minute runtime

The Encounter (2016)

Bruce Marchiano in The Encounter (2016)

6.4 / 10 (based on 275 reviews)

Several life scenarios play out as Jesus steps in to help each situation, and bring people together.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Bruce Marchiano, Adam Mitchell, Kass Connors, Josh Schultz

2 seasons, 16 episodes

Mood Swings (2019)

Mood Swings (2019)

5.9 / 10 (based on 19 reviews)

Four generations of women and an 8 year old, thrown together by circumstances, live under one roof and struggle to help each other survive in the City of Angels.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Crystal Hunt, Robin Riker, Christina DeRosa, Jason Earles
Creators: Crystal Hunt

1 season, 8 episodes

The world of television is vast and varied, offering everything from mind-bending sci-fi epics to heartwarming tales of love and friendship. Amid this vast array of storytelling, there’s a show that, while not as talked about as some of its flashier counterparts, has quietly garnered a dedicated following for its unique take on storytelling, character development, and thematic exploration. That show is “The Wanderer,” which made its debut in 2019.

What Makes “The Wanderer” Stand Out?

At first glance, “The Wanderer” might seem like another entry in the long list of fantasy series trying to capture the magic that shows like “Game of Thrones” brought to the screen. However, to lump it in with the rest would be a disservice to what it achieves in its storytelling and character development. Unlike many of its contemporaries, “The Wanderer” opts for a more grounded approach to the fantasy genre. It’s not about dragons or epic battles for the throne; it’s about the journey of its titular character, a lone traveler with a mysterious past, navigating through a world that’s as beautiful as it is dangerous.

A Unique Take on Fantasy

What sets “The Wanderer” apart is its commitment to the journey rather than the destination. The show is less concerned with grandiose end goals and more focused on the experiences of its main character, known only as The Wanderer, played with a captivating mix of vulnerability and strength by an actor whose performance has been widely praised. Each episode is almost like a short story, introducing new characters, dilemmas, and settings, while also weaving a larger narrative about identity, purpose, and belonging.

Character Development at Its Finest

The heart of “The Wanderer” lies in its character development, particularly that of its protagonist. The show takes its time, allowing viewers to slowly uncover the layers of The Wanderer’s past, understanding his motivations, fears, and desires. This slow reveal makes for compelling viewing, as each episode adds another piece to the puzzle of who The Wanderer is and why he’s on this journey.

The Importance of Setting

“The Wanderer” also distinguishes itself through its use of setting. The show’s creators have crafted a world that feels lived-in and real, despite its fantastical elements. From bustling market towns to serene forests, each location is more than just a backdrop; it plays a crucial role in the story, influencing the characters and the decisions they make.

A World That Feels Alive

Anecdotes from the production team reveal the lengths they went to in order to bring this world to life. They consulted with historians, architects, and environmental scientists to create settings that felt authentic and reflective of the show’s themes. This attention to detail pays off, making the world of “The Wanderer” one of the most compelling aspects of the show.

Themes Worth Exploring

“The Wanderer” is more than just a fantasy adventure; it’s a show that delves into themes of loneliness, redemption, and the search for meaning. These themes are explored thoughtfully and with nuance, avoiding heavy-handedness. The show poses questions rather than providing easy answers, encouraging viewers to think deeply about the themes it explores.

A Reflection on Loneliness and Connection

One of the most poignant themes of “The Wanderer” is loneliness. The protagonist, despite encountering many along his journey, remains fundamentally alone. This theme is explored in various ways, from the literal solitude of wandering through vast landscapes to the more metaphorical isolation that comes from being misunderstood or carrying a burden that cannot be shared. Yet, the show also offers a glimmer of hope, suggesting that connection, while rare, is possible and perhaps even worth the risks it entails.

Why “The Wanderer” Deserves More Attention

Despite its quality, “The Wanderer” has flown somewhat under the radar, overshadowed by bigger, flashier shows. However, its growing fanbase attests to its appeal. Its storytelling, character development, and thematic depth offer something different from the usual fare.

A Show That Grows on You

Many fans describe “The Wanderer” as a show that grows on you. Its pacing, which allows for deep character development and world-building, may not grab you immediately. But those who stick with it often find themselves deeply invested in the journey of The Wanderer, eager to see where his path will lead and what revelations lie ahead.

In Conclusion

“The Wanderer” is a testament to the power of storytelling. It shows that a show doesn’t need epic battles or special effects to be compelling. Instead, it proves that a well-told story, richly drawn characters, and a thoughtfully crafted world can be just as captivating. For those tired of the same old stories and looking for something that offers both entertainment and something to ponder, “The Wanderer” is well worth your time.

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