Shows Like The Demon Headmaster (2019)

The Demon Headmaster (2019)

8.2 / 10 (based on 76 reviews)

A group of mismatched kids discover their headmaster is using hypnotism to gain ultimate control of their school.

Genre: Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror

Main Cast: Ellie Botterill, Dijarn Campbell, Jordan Cramond, Nicholas Gleaves
Creators: Emma Reeves

1 season, 10 episodes, 25-minute runtime

Shows Most Like The Demon Headmaster (2019)

Jamie Johnson (2016)

Jamie Johnson (2016)

6.6 / 10 (based on 197 reviews)

Jamie Johnson is a 12 year old boy who dreams of becoming a famous footballer. It may be the fantasy of most boys that age but Jamie has the talent to make his dreams come true. If only he could control his temper and stop being so distracted by everything else going on in his life. When Jamie’s dad vanished off the face of the earth he and his mum were forced to move and now Jamie has to start at a rough new school mid term. He becomes friends with a girl called Jack who shares his passion for football and can also give him a good run for his money in terms of skill. He also befriends Boggy, a boy with theatrical leanings who deflects the bullies cruel jibes with his quick wit. When Jamie becomes preoccupied with trying to track down his absent father it looks like he’s about to squander his chances of ever getting picked for the school team, and when he discovers a terrible truth about the man he has always worshipped it has the potential to crush him, but Jamie fights back the only way he knows how – with a football at his feet.

Genre: Family, Sport

Main Cast: Louis Dunn, Jonnie Kimmins, Patrick Ward, Tim Dantay

6 seasons, 56 episodes, 28.0-minute runtime

The Athena (2018)

Dounia Hendrin, Alice Hewkin, Tafline Steen, Oliver Dench, Eve Austin, Ella Balinska, and Sophie Robertson in The Athena (2018)

7.5 / 10 (based on 100 reviews)

Teenventure series about a fashion school. Nyla a former model starts school after an impulse declaration in an interview ends her modelling career.

Genre: Family

Main Cast: Ella Balinska, Basil Eidenbenz, Oliver Dench, Tafline Steen
Creators: Holly Phillips

1 season, 26 episodes

Eve (2015)

Poppy Lee Friar, Oliver Woollford, and Eubha Akilade in Eve (2015)

6.3 / 10 (based on 187 reviews)

Life changes beyond recognition for the Clarke family when Eve, the world’s first fully sentient ‘artificial person’, comes to live under their roof.

Genre: Drama, Family, Sci-Fi

Main Cast: Oliver Woollford, Poppy Lee Friar, Ben Cartwright, Eubha Akilade
Creators: Emma Reeves, David Chikwe

3 seasons, 35 episodes, 28.0-minute runtime

My Mum Tracy Beaker (2021)


6.1 / 10 (based on 207 reviews)

Tracy Beaker, now in her 30s, has her relationship with her young daughter tested when she falls in love with a former football celebrity.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Family

Main Cast: Dani Harmer, Emma Maggie Davies, Jordan Duvigneau, Danielle Henry

1 season, 3 episodes, 28.0-minute runtime

In an era where reboots and revivals of classic TV shows are more common than ever, it’s no surprise that the eerie and captivating world of “The Demon Headmaster” found its way back onto our screens in 2019. For those who grew up in the 90s, the original series was a staple of children’s television, combining elements of science fiction with the relatable trials and tribulations of school life. Fast forward to the present, and we’ve been gifted with a modern take on this classic, promising new thrills while aiming to capture the essence that made the original so memorable.

The Premise

At its core, “The Demon Headmaster” revolves around a group of students who begin to notice something deeply unsettling about their school’s new headmaster. His ability to hypnotize not just the student body but also the staff leads to a series of eerie and unexplained events. The show cleverly mixes elements of mystery, science fiction, and adventure, as the students band together to uncover the headmaster’s true intentions and put a stop to his sinister plans.

The 2019 Revival

The revival brings the story into the modern age, with updated technology and contemporary issues at the forefront. The headmaster’s methods of control have evolved, reflecting today’s concerns around surveillance, social media, and the power of data. This modern twist adds a fresh layer of relevance to the story, making it not just a trip down memory lane for those who watched the original but also a compelling watch for a new generation of viewers.

Characters and Casting

One of the revival’s strengths lies in its casting. The diverse group of students, each with their unique strengths and weaknesses, provides a broad appeal. The headmaster, portrayed with chilling precision, strikes the perfect balance between charismatic leader and menacing villain. This dynamic creates a compelling cat-and-mouse game between him and the students, driving the narrative forward.

Storytelling and Themes

The show doesn’t shy away from tackling complex themes such as autonomy, the ethics of technology, and the importance of questioning authority. These heavier topics are woven seamlessly into the narrative, ensuring the show remains entertaining while also prompting viewers to think critically about the world around them.

Stand-Out Episodes and Moments

While the entire series is a rollercoaster of emotions and suspense, certain episodes stand out for their intense storytelling and character development. For example, the episode where the students uncover the depth of the headmaster’s control over their lives is a turning point in the series. It’s not just about the thrill of the mystery but also about the characters coming to terms with their vulnerabilities and strengths.

Comparing the Original and the Revival

It’s impossible to discuss the 2019 version without reflecting on how it compares to its predecessor. The revival manages to retain the eerie atmosphere and sense of danger that made the original so captivating. However, it also carves out its own identity, with a more diverse cast and a narrative that reflects contemporary societal concerns. The balance between nostalgia and innovation is one of the revival’s most significant achievements.

Reception and Impact

The reception to the revival has been largely positive, with both new viewers and fans of the original series praising its ability to update the story for the modern era without losing the essence of what made it so engaging. It’s a testament to the show’s creators and writers that “The Demon Headmaster” can resonate with audiences across different generations.

Behind the Scenes

An interesting aspect of the revival is the behind-the-scenes efforts to modernize the story. The creators have spoken about the challenges of updating the headmaster’s methods of control to reflect modern technology while ensuring the story remained accessible to younger viewers. This balance between realism and accessibility is crucial to the show’s success, allowing it to tackle complex themes without becoming overwhelming.

The Future of The Demon Headmaster

As of now, the future of “The Demon Headmaster” remains open. The revival has laid the groundwork for further exploration of its world and characters. There’s potential for the series to delve deeper into the ethical implications of technology and control, offering a platform for engaging and thought-provoking storytelling.

Final Thoughts

“The Demon Headmaster” 2019 is more than just a reboot; it’s a cleverly updated take on a classic that manages to be both entertaining and thought-provoking. It strikes a fine balance between paying homage to the original and carving out its own space in the landscape of contemporary children’s television. Whether you’re a fan of the original series or new to the world of “The Demon Headmaster,” the 2019 revival offers a compelling blend of mystery, adventure, and social commentary that’s well worth your time.

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