Shows Like Sunes jul (1991)

Sunes jul (1991)

8 / 10 (based on 2136 reviews)

Sune, an 11 year old boy struggles with girl troubles and school while he and his goofy family prepares for Christmas with failed attempts at all of the usual December traditions.

Genre: Family, Comedy

Main Cast: Andreas Hoffer, Anders Jacobsson, Sören Olsson, Carina Lidbom

1 season, 24 episodes, 25-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Sunes jul (1991)

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Genre: Drama, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi

Main Cast: Sarah Rhodin, Bibi Lenhoff, Emanuel Kielin, Sten Ljunggren

1 season, 24 episodes

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Selmas saga (2016)

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Vi på Saltkråkan (1964)

7.1 / 10 (based on 1665 reviews)

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Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Family

Main Cast: Torsten Lilliecrona, Louise Edlind, Björn Söderbäck, Urban Strand

1 season, 13 episodes, 27.0-minute runtime


“Sunes jul” is a classic Swedish TV show that aired during the Christmas season of 1991. This series, based on the books by Anders Jacobsson and Sören Olsson, became an instant favorite among viewers of all ages. It follows the adventures of Sune, a young boy navigating the ups and downs of family life during the festive season. With its unique blend of humor, warmth, and relatable situations, “Sunes jul” has earned a special place in the hearts of its audience.

The Plot

The series is set in the weeks leading up to Christmas, focusing on the Andersson family. Sune, the middle child, is particularly excited about the holidays and the prospects of getting the gifts he’s been dreaming of. However, as with any family, things don’t always go according to plan. From mishaps while buying a Christmas tree to the chaos of hosting a Christmas dinner, the Andersson family experiences it all. Yet, it’s the imperfections and unexpected moments that make their holiday memorable.

Characters That Feel Like Family

One of the show’s strengths lies in its well-drawn characters, who are both hilarious and endearing.

  • Sune Andersson: The protagonist, whose Christmas wish list and attempts to navigate holiday challenges drive much of the plot.
  • Håkan Andersson: Sune’s younger brother, known for his mischievous behavior and knack for getting into trouble.
  • Anna Andersson: The older sister, who tries to maintain her cool amidst the holiday chaos.
  • Karin and Rudolf Andersson: The parents, balancing the stresses of holiday preparations with their love for their family.

Each character contributes to the series’ charm, making viewers feel like they’re part of the Andersson family.

Memorable Episodes

Several episodes stand out for their humor and heart.

  • The Christmas Tree Episode: Where the Anderssons’ quest for the perfect Christmas tree turns into a comedy of errors.
  • The Christmas Eve Episode: Highlighting the family’s frantic last-minute preparations and the eventual realization that perfection isn’t necessary for a memorable Christmas.

These episodes, among others, showcase the series’ ability to mix comedy with moments of genuine warmth.

Why “Sunes jul” Stands the Test of Time

Several factors contribute to the enduring appeal of “Sunes jul”.

Relatable Humor

First, the humor in “Sunes jul” is timeless. The situations the Andersson family finds themselves in are universally relatable, such as the quest for the perfect Christmas gift or the challenges of holiday family gatherings. The show masterfully turns everyday dilemmas into sources of laughter, reminding us of the lighter side of life.

Family Dynamics

The portrayal of family dynamics in “Sunes jul” is another aspect that resonates with viewers. The Anderssons are not a perfect family, but their flaws make them real. The show captures the essence of family life during the holidays, with all its ups and downs, in a way that feels authentic.


For many, “Sunes jul” is a nostalgic trip to the Christmases of their childhood. It brings back memories of the excitement and anticipation of the holiday season. This sense of nostalgia is a powerful draw, inviting viewers to revisit the series year after year.

Lessons Learned

Amidst the humor and chaos, “Sunes jul” imparts valuable lessons. It reminds us that the true spirit of Christmas isn’t found in material gifts or perfect celebrations but in spending time with loved ones and appreciating what we have.

Cultural Impact

“Sunes jul” has left a lasting mark on Swedish Christmas culture. Quotes from the series have become part of the holiday lexicon, and many families include watching “Sunes jul” as part of their Christmas traditions. Its impact extends beyond entertainment, contributing to the collective memory of Christmas in Sweden.


“Sunes jul” is more than just a TV show; it’s a cultural phenomenon that captures the essence of the holiday season. Through its relatable humor, authentic portrayal of family dynamics, and timeless appeal, it continues to be a beloved part of Christmas in Sweden. Whether you’re watching it for the first time or revisiting it as part of your holiday tradition, “Sunes jul” offers a warm, humorous, and heartwarming experience that resonates with viewers of all ages.

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