Shows Like Studio Julmahuvi (1998)

Tommi Korpela in Studio Julmahuvi (1998)

8.8 / 10 (based on 1221 reviews)

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Tommi Korpela, Jukka Rasila, Janne Reinikainen, Petteri Summanen

1 season, 8 episodes, 30-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Studio Julmahuvi (1998)

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Kari Ketonen and Antti Luusuaniemi in Luottomies (2016)

8 / 10 (based on 825 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Kari Ketonen, Antti Luusuaniemi, Maria Ylipää, Aava Rokkanen

3 seasons, 26 episodes, 10.0-minute runtime

Kimmo (2012)

Jussi Vatanen in Kimmo (2012)

7.8 / 10 (based on 931 reviews)

The life of Kimmo and his friends.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Jussi Vatanen, Kari Hietalahti, Tommi Liski, Kari Ketonen
Creators: Tommi Liski, Petja Peltomaa, Olli Haikka

3 seasons, 45 episodes, 25.0-minute runtime

Modernit miehet (2019)

Eero Milonoff, Jarkko Niemi, Tommi Rantamäki, and Iikka Forss in Modernit miehet (2019)

8.1 / 10 (based on 742 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Iikka Forss, Jarkko Niemi, Tommi Rantamäki, Eero Milonoff

3 seasons, 36 episodes, 23.0-minute runtime

Sunnuntailounas (2018)

Sunnuntailounas (2018)

8.2 / 10 (based on 314 reviews)

A father of estranged adult children starts a new tradition and summons his reluctant offspring to a weekly Sunday lunch at which the family can go through the week’s events without holding back their opinions.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Elena Leeve, Taneli Mäkelä, Jarkko Niemi, Santtu Karvonen

3 seasons, 30 episodes, 22.0-minute runtime

Studio Julmahuvi, a Finnish television show that aired in 1998, has remained a standout piece in the world of comedy. Despite its brief run, the show’s unique blend of humor, creativity, and satire has left a lasting impact on its audience and the landscape of Finnish television. This article aims to explore the facets of Studio Julmahuvi, examining why it has garnered such a cult following and how it has stood the test of time.

The Genesis of Studio Julmahuvi

At its core, Studio Julmahuvi was the brainchild of a group of comedians and writers, including the likes of Tommi Korpela, Jani Volanen, and the show’s director, Aki Kaurismäki’s brother, Mika Kaurismäki. The show was a melting pot of absurdity, parodying popular TV formats of the time, including talk shows, documentaries, and even children’s programming. The creators’ approach was simple yet effective: take the familiar and twist it into something wholly original and often bizarre.

The Format

Studio Julmahuvi broke away from traditional sketch comedy formats. Instead of a series of unrelated skits, it wove its humor into seven episodes, each with its own theme but maintaining a thread of continuity through recurring characters and running jokes. This approach allowed the show to build a small but intricate universe, where the absurd became the norm.

Notable Sketches and Characters

Among the plethora of memorable sketches and characters, a few stand out for their creativity and the way they resonated with the audience:

  • M. A. Numminen Goes to Heaven: A mockumentary following the Finnish singer M. A. Numminen on a surreal journey to heaven. This sketch is a prime example of the show’s ability to blend reality with the absurd, creating a humorous yet oddly poignant narrative.
  • The 500 Club: A parody of motivational speaker seminars, complete with a charismatic leader and an audience of eager-to-learn individuals. The sketch satirizes the often over-the-top nature of these events and the sometimes dubious qualifications of their leaders.
  • Roudasta Rospuuttoon: A spoof of Finnish educational programs, this segment features absurdly simplified lessons on various topics, delivered with deadpan seriousness. It highlights the show’s knack for mocking the mundane and making it hilariously entertaining.

The Impact of Studio Julmahuvi

Despite its short run, Studio Julmahuvi left an indelible mark on Finnish comedy. Its influence can be seen in the works of later comedians and shows that have adopted its blend of satire, absurdity, and keen observation of Finnish society and pop culture.

Cult Following

Over the years, Studio Julmahuvi has garnered a cult following, with fans praising its innovative approach to comedy and its fearless mockery of television conventions. The show’s sketches continue to be shared and celebrated on social media, and its lines are quoted by fans who appreciate the show’s sharp wit and unique humor.


Studio Julmahuvi’s legacy is not just in its humor but in its approach to comedy. It demonstrated that comedy could be both smart and silly, that it could challenge conventions while entertaining. It paved the way for future comedians and writers in Finland to experiment and push the boundaries of what comedy could be.

Why Studio Julmahuvi Still Matters

In an era where television is often criticized for being formulaic and predictable, Studio Julmahuvi serves as a reminder of the power of creativity and originality. Its enduring popularity suggests that there is an appetite for content that dares to be different, that mixes the absurd with the insightful in equal measure.

Timelessness of Humor

One of the reasons Studio Julmahuvi remains relevant is the timelessness of its humor. While some references are undoubtedly tied to the late 90s, the core themes and comedic techniques are universal. The absurdity of human behavior, the quirks of Finnish culture, and the satirical take on popular media are as relevant today as they were in 1998.

Influence on Modern Comedy

Modern Finnish comedy owes a lot to Studio Julmahuvi. Its influence can be seen in the works of contemporary comedians who embrace a similar mix of satire, absurdity, and observational humor. The show demonstrated that there was an audience for unconventional comedy, encouraging a new generation of comedians to explore and experiment.


Studio Julmahuvi was more than just a TV show; it was a comedic experiment that succeeded beyond expectations. It showed that humor could be found in the most unlikely places and that the familiar could be made strange and funny. Its legacy is not just in the laughs it provided but in the way it expanded the boundaries of Finnish comedy. For fans old and new, Studio Julmahuvi remains a testament to the enduring power of creativity and humor.

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