Shows Like Solve: The Podcast (2019)

Solve: The Podcast (2019)

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Solve is a murder mystery podcast where you investigate the crime, interrogate suspects and figure out, by the end of the episode, who is the killer.


Main Cast: Lexi DiBenedetto, Joseph Sanfelippo, Giselle Torres, Patrick Cavanaugh

2 seasons, 16 episodes

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Solve (2018)

7.9 / 10 (based on 36 reviews)


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Creators: Adam Lederer, Tom Wright

21 seasons, 248 episodes

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1 season, 13 episodes, 30.0-minute runtime

In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, podcasts have carved out a significant niche, offering audiences a variety of content that ranges from educational to purely entertaining. Among these, true crime podcasts have seen a meteoric rise in popularity, captivating listeners with tales of mystery, intrigue, and the darker aspects of human nature. Enter “Solve: The Podcast,” a 2019 offering that has managed to stand out in this crowded field. This show takes a unique approach to the genre, blending elements of traditional storytelling with interactive elements that engage the audience in a novel way. Let’s explore what makes this podcast a noteworthy addition to your listening queue.

A Fresh Take on True Crime

At its core, “Solve: The Podcast” is a true crime series, but to leave its description at that would be to undersell its unique appeal. Each episode presents a fictional crime, inspired by real-life cases, and then offers listeners the chance to solve the mystery themselves before the solution is revealed. This interactive twist not only sets the podcast apart from its peers but also actively involves the audience, making each episode an immersive experience.

The Structure

The structure of the podcast is straightforward yet effective. Episodes typically begin with a detailed account of the crime, introducing listeners to the characters, setting, and the events leading up to the mystery. As the story unfolds, clues are peppered throughout the narrative, allowing eagle-eyed (or rather, eagle-eared) listeners to piece together the puzzle.

Once the story has been laid out, the podcast takes a brief pause, giving listeners a moment to ponder the evidence and come up with their theories. It’s at this point that the interactive aspect truly shines, as listeners are encouraged to pause the episode if they need more time to think, making the experience tailor-made to each individual’s pace.

Following this reflective pause, the podcast resumes to reveal the solution, explaining how the clues fit together and how the mystery can be logically solved. This structure not only satisfies the curiosity piqued throughout the episode but also provides a satisfying conclusion that ties up all loose ends.

Why It Works

The success of “Solve: The Podcast” can be attributed to several key factors. Firstly, the interactive element is a stroke of genius. In an age where passive consumption of media is the norm, this podcast demands active participation, engaging listeners in a way that few other shows do. This engagement transforms the listening experience from a passive to an active one, making each episode not just a story to be heard, but a puzzle to be solved.

Secondly, the quality of storytelling is top-notch. The episodes are well-written, with attention to detail that brings the fictional crimes to life. Characters are fleshed out, settings are vividly described, and the plots are intricately crafted to ensure that solving the mystery is challenging yet entirely possible for the attentive listener.

Finally, the inspiration from real-life cases adds a layer of realism to the stories. While the crimes in the podcast are fictional, their roots in reality make them all the more compelling. This grounding in actual events helps to blur the line between fiction and reality, making the mysteries feel more urgent and the stakes higher.

Standout Episodes

While each episode of “Solve: The Podcast” offers a unique and engaging mystery, there are a few that stand out as particularly memorable. For instance, one episode inspired by the infamous Zodiac Killer case puts a fresh spin on the unsolved mystery, offering listeners a chance to do what detectives and amateur sleuths have been trying to do for decades: solve the case. Another episode draws from the chilling tale of the Hinterkaifeck murders, a baffling and brutal crime that remains unsolved to this day. These episodes, among others, showcase the podcast’s ability to take well-known cases and reframe them in a way that is both respectful of the real-life tragedies and engaging for the audience.

The Impact

“Solve: The Podcast” has not only entertained a vast audience but also impacted the way we think about storytelling and engagement in the digital age. By blending traditional narrative techniques with interactive elements, the podcast has paved the way for a new genre of entertainment that could have implications far beyond the world of true crime.


In a sea of true crime podcasts, “Solve: The Podcast” stands out for its unique approach, engaging storytelling, and the interactive challenge it presents to its listeners. It’s more than just a podcast; it’s an experience that tests your deductive skills, immerses you in intricately crafted narratives, and leaves you eagerly awaiting the next mystery to solve. Whether you’re a seasoned detective in the world of true crime or a newcomer looking for a different kind of listening experience, this podcast is well worth your time.

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