Shows Like Self Suck Saturday (2020)

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Genre: Comedy, Talk-Show

Main Cast: Sam Brown, Zach Cregger, Trevor Moore, Darren Trumeter
Creators: Sam Brown, Zach Cregger, Trevor Moore

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In the realm of television, every now and then, a show emerges that defies the usual classifications and genres we’ve come to know. “Self Suck Saturday” is one such show, a unique blend of comedy, absurdity, and live performance that has carved its own niche since its debut in 2020. This article aims to shed light on what makes “Self Suck Saturday” stand out in a sea of conventional TV shows.

The Genesis of “Self Suck Saturday”

“Self Suck Saturday” is the brainchild of comedian and internet personality, Sam Hyde. Hyde, who is known for his controversial humor and boundary-pushing content, launched the show as a way to connect with his audience during the COVID-19 pandemic. The show’s title, provocative and eyebrow-raising, is a testament to Hyde’s brand of humor – one that doesn’t shy away from shock value.

Format and Content

At its core, “Self Suck Saturday” is a live-streamed show, but calling it just a live stream would be an understatement. The show combines elements of sketch comedy, monologues, guest interviews, and interactive segments with the audience. What sets it apart is its unpredictability; viewers tune in not knowing what to expect, which is part of its charm.

Sketch Comedy

The show features a variety of pre-recorded and live sketches, often satirizing current events, internet culture, and the absurdities of everyday life. These sketches are a testament to Hyde’s creative range, showcasing his ability to comment on societal norms and issues through humor.


Hyde frequently delivers monologues that range from the deeply philosophical to the outright bizarre. These segments often serve as a platform for Hyde to share his thoughts on various topics, engage with fan theories, or simply rant about whatever is on his mind.

Guest Interviews

“Self Suck Saturday” occasionally features interviews with guests from different walks of life, including other comedians, internet personalities, and sometimes, controversial figures. These interviews are unpredictable, often veering off into tangents and unexpected discussions.

Audience Interaction

A significant aspect of the show is its interactive nature. Hyde often engages with his audience through Q&A sessions, taking live calls, and sometimes, incorporating viewer suggestions into the show. This level of interaction adds a layer of spontaneity and keeps the audience engaged.

Why “Self Suck Saturday” Stands Out

In a world where TV shows often fall into predictable patterns, “Self Suck Saturday” breaks the mold. Here are a few reasons why it has garnered a dedicated following:

  • Originality: In an era of reboots and sequels, the show offers something fresh and unapologetically original.
  • Unpredictability: The show’s format ensures that no two episodes are the same, keeping viewers on their toes.
  • Engagement: The interactive elements of the show create a sense of community among viewers, making them feel like part of the experience.
  • Controversy: Hyde’s brand of humor is not for everyone, and the show often sparks debates and discussions, keeping it in the public eye.

Challenges and Controversies

It’s worth noting that “Self Suck Saturday” has not been without its controversies. Hyde’s humor, often edgy and polarizing, has led to debates about the limits of comedy and free speech. Additionally, the show’s unconventional format and content have sometimes made it a target for censorship and deplatforming efforts.

Despite these challenges, “Self Suck Saturday” has managed to maintain a loyal fanbase and continue its run. Its success is a testament to the appetite for content that pushes boundaries and challenges conventional norms.

The Future of “Self Suck Saturday”

As we look to the future, it’s clear that “Self Suck Saturday” has carved out a niche that will allow it to continue thriving. The show’s ability to adapt, evolve, and consistently surprise its audience suggests that it will remain a staple in the landscape of alternative comedy.

Whether you’re a long-time fan or a curious newcomer, “Self Suck Saturday” offers a unique viewing experience that defies easy categorization. It’s a reminder that in the world of entertainment, there’s still room for shows that dare to be different.


“Self Suck Saturday” is more than just a TV show; it’s a phenomenon that encapsulates the changing landscape of entertainment in the digital age. Its blend of comedy, controversy, and community engagement has made it a standout show that continues to captivate and challenge its viewers.

For those tired of the same old TV formulas, “Self Suck Saturday” offers a refreshing alternative. It’s a show that celebrates creativity, embraces controversy, and proves that even in an age of endless content, there are still ways to break the mold and offer something truly unique.

In a world where originality often takes a backseat to commercial success, “Self Suck Saturday” serves as a beacon for those seeking something different. It may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but for those willing to dive into its chaotic world, it offers a viewing experience unlike any other.

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