Shows Like Patrões Fora (2020)

Patrões Fora (2020)

6 / 10 (based on 6 reviews)

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: João Baião, Natalina José, Noémia Costa, Sofia Arruda

2 seasons, 26 episodes

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In the world of television, where shows come and go with the changing seasons, there exists a unique breed of entertainment that captures the essence of humor and relatability, all while presenting a fresh perspective on daily life. “Patrões Fora” is one such show that has managed to carve out its niche in the crowded landscape of TV programming since its debut in 2020. This Portuguese sitcom has not only entertained audiences but has also provided a satirical glimpse into the world of work and family life, blending comedy with everyday situations in a manner that is both engaging and insightful.

The Premise

At its core, “Patrões Fora” revolves around the lives of three main characters who find themselves in charge of a restaurant while the actual bosses are away. This setup might sound straightforward, but it’s the execution that sets the show apart. The characters, each with their unique quirks and personalities, navigate the challenges of managing the restaurant, dealing with customers, and interacting with each other, leading to a series of comedic situations that are both absurd and strangely relatable.

Character Dynamics

The Overconfident One

First, we have the character who believes they were born to lead, despite evidence to the contrary. Their overconfidence often leads to misguided decisions, creating chaos for the team. Yet, it’s this very chaos that adds a layer of humor to the show, as viewers can’t help but laugh at the discrepancy between the character’s self-perception and reality.

The Reluctant Participant

Then there’s the character who wants nothing to do with the leadership role but finds themselves roped into it anyway. Their reluctance and attempts to avoid responsibility often result in comedic situations where they’re forced to deal with the consequences of their inaction or attempts to shirk their duties.

The Eager Beaver

Lastly, the overly enthusiastic team member, whose eagerness to please and take on more than they can handle, often leads to a series of mishaps. Their energy and optimism, while commendable, usually end up creating more work for everyone involved.

Relatability Factor

One of the show’s strengths lies in its ability to portray situations and characters that viewers can relate to. Who hasn’t found themselves in a job or situation where they felt out of their depth? Or dealt with a coworker whose confidence far outweighed their competence? “Patrões Fora” takes these everyday experiences and amplifies them, presenting them through a comedic lens that not only entertains but also resonates with the audience.

Humor in the Mundane

The humor in “Patrões Fora” is derived from the mundane aspects of life, turning ordinary situations into sources of laughter. The show excels in finding the funny in the frustrations of work, the dynamics of teamwork, and the absurdity of customer interactions. It’s a reminder that sometimes, you have to laugh to keep from crying, especially when dealing with the chaos of life and work.

Cultural Nuances

Being a Portuguese show, “Patrões Fora” incorporates cultural nuances that add depth and authenticity to its humor. From the food served in the restaurant to the way characters interact with each other, the show provides a glimpse into Portuguese culture and society. For international viewers, this adds an element of discovery and learning, while for local audiences, it’s a reflection of their everyday lives.

The Importance of Ensemble Cast

The chemistry among the cast members is another key factor in the show’s success. The actors bring their characters to life with a level of authenticity and enthusiasm that is contagious. Their interactions feel genuine, making the comedic moments even more effective. The ensemble cast works together seamlessly, creating a dynamic that is both believable and entertaining.

Lessons in Leadership

Amidst the laughter and chaos, “Patrões Fora” also offers subtle lessons in leadership and teamwork. Through the characters’ trials and errors, viewers can glean insights into the importance of communication, the value of humility, and the need for cooperation. The show demonstrates that leadership is not about being in charge but about guiding a team towards a common goal, even if that goal is simply to make it through the day without any major disasters.


“Patrões Fora” is more than just a sitcom; it’s a reflection of the comedic side of human nature and the absurdities of daily life. Through its relatable characters, humorous situations, and cultural insights, the show has managed to strike a chord with audiences, proving that sometimes, the best way to deal with life’s challenges is to find the humor in them. Whether you’re a fan of comedy, interested in Portuguese culture, or simply looking for a show that offers a mix of laughter and life lessons, “Patrões Fora” is worth checking out.

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