Shows Like Object Invasion (2016)

Object Invasion (2016)

4.2 / 10 (based on 37 reviews)

Genre: Animation

Main Cast: Anthony Acedo, Jacob Fairclough, Fluffi, Jlinxtreme8
Creators: Anthony Acedo

1 season, 8 episodes

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Object Invasion, a 2016 animated series, has carved its own niche in the realm of object shows, a genre that pits inanimate objects against each other in a competition format. This particular show has garnered attention for its unique take on character development, plot progression, and humor. Below, we’ll explore the facets of Object Invasion that have made it a noteworthy entry in the crowded space of animated television.

The Premise

At its core, Object Invasion follows a familiar formula. A group of inanimate objects, each with distinct personalities and abilities, compete in various challenges with the ultimate goal of winning a grand prize. What sets it apart is the show’s commitment to fleshing out its characters and creating engaging, sometimes complex, narratives that resonate with its audience.

Characters and Development

One of the show’s strongest points is its characters. Unlike many other shows in the genre, Object Invasion invests time in developing its cast, making them more than just one-dimensional figures competing for the sake of competition. Characters like Wallet, a de facto leader who struggles with the weight of responsibility, and Bottle, whose cheerful exterior masks deeper insecurities, are prime examples. The show delves into their backstories, motivations, and relationships, creating a rich tapestry that adds depth to the competition.

Examples of Character Growth

  • Wallet evolves from a reluctant participant, unsure of his leadership abilities, to a confident, decisive team member. His journey is marked by episodes that challenge his beliefs and force him to confront his fears.
  • Bottle‘s arc is equally compelling. Initially seen as overly optimistic and somewhat naive, her layers are peeled back to reveal a character with a complex understanding of her surroundings and the dynamics of the competition.

Humor and Writing

Another aspect where Object Invasion shines is its humor. The show skillfully balances slapstick, puns, and situational comedy, ensuring that it appeals to a wide range of audiences. The writing is sharp, often poking fun at the absurdity of its own premise without coming across as self-deprecating. This delicate balance keeps the tone light and engaging, even when tackling more serious themes.

Memorable Moments

  • An episode where characters are tasked with solving riddles that play on their physical attributes or personalities stands out. The humor derived from their interactions and the creative solutions to their challenges highlights the show’s clever writing.
  • The running gag involving Tape’s inability to stick to surfaces, despite being a roll of tape, showcases the show’s ability to use visual and situational humor effectively.

Plot Progression and Themes

While Object Invasion follows a competition format, it doesn’t shy away from exploring themes of friendship, betrayal, and personal growth. The challenges are designed not only to entertain but to push the characters out of their comfort zones, leading to moments of introspection and development.

Key Plot Points

  • A mid-season twist that sees alliances tested and friendships strained adds a layer of drama and suspense, proving that Object Invasion is more than just a series of challenges; it’s a narrative about relationships.
  • The finale, without giving too much away, manages to wrap up the central competition while leaving enough open-ended questions to encourage speculation and discussion among fans.

Reception and Impact

Object Invasion has been well-received both by fans of the genre and newcomers. Its ability to blend humor, character development, and engaging storytelling has set it apart in a crowded field. The show has sparked discussions, fan theories, and a dedicated following eager to dissect every episode.

Fan Engagement

  • Online forums and social media platforms are abuzz with theories about character backstories and future plot developments. This level of engagement speaks to the show’s ability to captivate and involve its audience.
  • Fan art and fanfiction are testament to the show’s impact, with many expressing their attachment to the characters and the world of Object Invasion through creative outlets.

Why Object Invasion Stands Out

In a sea of animated content, Object Invasion distinguishes itself through a combination of well-crafted characters, intelligent humor, and a willingness to explore deeper themes. It proves that even the most unassuming premise can be the foundation for a rich, engaging narrative.

Lessons for Other Shows

  • The importance of character development cannot be overstated. Viewers are drawn to characters with depth and complexity, and Object Invasion demonstrates how investing in character arcs can pay dividends.
  • Humor, when used effectively, can enhance a show without undermining its more serious moments. Object Invasion strikes this balance masterfully, ensuring that it remains accessible to a broad audience.


Object Invasion is a standout show that has managed to carve its niche in the animated television landscape. Through its focus on character development, clever writing, and thematic depth, it has garnered a dedicated fanbase and critical acclaim. As the genre of object shows continues to evolve, Object Invasion serves as a benchmark for what can be achieved with creativity, humor, and a commitment to storytelling. Whether you’re a longtime fan of animated competitions or simply looking for a show that offers more than meets the eye, Object Invasion is worth your time.

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