Shows Like Murder Nation (2021)

Murder Nation (2021)

7.7 / 10 (based on 15 reviews)

A true crime documentary series, made with witness accounts, news footage and crime scene photos.

Genre: Reality-TV

Main Cast: David C Herbert, Oliver Feaster, Endygo McCall, Anthony Caroto

1 season, 8 episodes

Shows Most Like Murder Nation (2021)

Mastermind of Murder (2021)


7.1 / 10 (based on 59 reviews)

Explores the cunning criminals who manipulated others into doing their dirty work.

Genre: Crime

Main Cast: Alissa Zea, Joe Rashbaum, Dave Ferrier, John Theissen Jr.

1 season, 10 episodes

Murder in the Heartland (2017)

Murder in the Heartland (2017)

7.6 / 10 (based on 361 reviews)

ID channel show featuring a true murder story in the heartland (midwest USA). Includes interviews with the victim’s family, friends, and investigators, as well as reenactments.

Genre: Crime

Main Cast: Lawrence Moran, Stuart Todd Martin, R Scott Hoffman, Fabian Jaime

3 seasons, 34 episodes, 42.0-minute runtime

I Survived a Crime (2020)


6.4 / 10 (based on 136 reviews)

Hosted by award-winning ABC News reporter Gio Benitez, “I Survived a Crime” takes viewers on a journey into the experience of being a victim of a sudden crime, from the moment those attacked first perceive the danger through the potential long-lasting effects. Using surveillance and cell phone footage captured during the crime, the series follows individuals going about their daily lives who were confronted with a dangerous situation and forced to make a quick decision on how to protect themselves or their families.

Genre: Crime

Main Cast: Gio Benitez

1 season, 24 episodes

Frozen in Time (2021)


8.1 / 10 (based on 7 reviews)

McCormick and designer Dan Vickery overhaul homes that are stuck in a design time warp.

Genre: Documentary

Main Cast: Maureen McCormick, Dan Vickery

1 season, 8 episodes

Karppi (2018)

Karppi (2018)

7.3 / 10 (based on 11509 reviews)

When Sofia Karppi discovers the body of a young woman on a construction site, she triggers a chain of events that threatens to destroy her life–again.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Main Cast: Pihla Viitala, Lauri Tilkanen, Mimosa Willamo, Noa Tola
Creators: Rike Jokela, Kirsi Porkka, Jari Olavi Rantala

3 seasons, 28 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Guilty Party (2021)


5.6 / 10 (based on 938 reviews)

A discredited journalist desperate to salvage her career by latching on to the story of a young mother sentenced to life in prison for maiming and murdering her husband, crimes she claims she didn’t commit.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Mystery

Main Cast: Kate Beckinsale, Jules Latimer, Tiya Sircar, Laurie Davidson
Creators: Rebecca Addelman

1 season, 10 episodes, 30.0-minute runtime

In the realm of television, crime dramas hold a special place. They grip us with tales of mystery, justice, and the darker sides of human nature. Among these, “Murder Nation” (2021) stands out. This show isn’t your average crime drama. It’s a deep dive into the complexities of crime in America, exploring not just the acts themselves but the societal, psychological, and environmental factors that contribute to them. Let’s unpack what makes “Murder Nation” a must-watch.

The Premise

At its core, “Murder Nation” is a serialized crime drama that takes viewers across various states in the U.S., each episode focusing on a unique, real-life inspired crime story. What sets it apart is its commitment to authenticity and depth. Instead of sensationalizing crime, it aims to understand it, providing viewers with a nuanced look at the factors leading to these tragic events.

The Characters

Characters in “Murder Nation” are meticulously crafted. They are not mere caricatures or stereotypes often seen in crime dramas. The show presents a diverse cast, from detectives and victims to perpetrators and bystanders, each with their own backstory and motivations. This diversity not only adds depth to the narrative but also reflects the real-world complexity of crime and its impact on various communities.

The Detectives

The detectives in “Murder Nation” are a far cry from the infallible heroes we’re used to. They have flaws, biases, and personal struggles, making them relatable and human. Their investigations often force them to confront their own demons, adding a layer of personal growth to the procedural aspects of the show.

The Victims

“Murder Nation” treats its victims with respect and dignity. The show takes care to depict them as real people rather than plot devices, giving them backstory and agency. This approach not only honors their memory but also emphasizes the human cost of crime.

The Perpetrators

Perhaps most controversially, “Murder Nation” seeks to understand the perpetrators. It delves into their backgrounds, exploring the circumstances that led them to crime. This is not to excuse their actions but to offer a more comprehensive view of crime as a societal issue.

The Storytelling

“Murder Nation” excels in its storytelling. Each episode is tightly written, balancing the need for engaging drama with the responsibility of accurate representation. The show doesn’t shy away from complex themes, such as systemic injustice, mental health, and the cycle of violence.

Real-Life Inspiration

Many episodes are inspired by real-life crimes, adding a layer of authenticity and gravity to the stories. The show takes care to handle these stories with sensitivity, focusing on the human element rather than sensational details.

Thematic Depth

“Murder Nation” is not just about solving crimes. It’s about understanding them. The show explores themes like poverty, racism, and social exclusion, highlighting how these factors can contribute to a culture of violence. This thematic depth sets it apart from more straightforward crime dramas.

The Impact

The impact of “Murder Nation” extends beyond mere entertainment. It has sparked conversations about crime, justice, and social issues, encouraging viewers to think critically about these topics.

Educational Value

By focusing on the why behind crimes, “Murder Nation” offers valuable insights into the root causes of violence and criminal behavior. This educational aspect is one of the show’s greatest strengths, making it a useful tool for understanding and addressing crime in society.

Social Commentary

“Murder Nation” serves as a powerful commentary on the state of America’s justice system and societal issues. It challenges viewers to consider the broader context of crime, prompting discussions about reform and social change.


“Murder Nation” is more than just another crime drama. It’s a thoughtful, nuanced exploration of crime in America, offering insights into the human stories behind the headlines. With its complex characters, engaging storytelling, and thematic depth, it’s a show that not only entertains but also educates and provokes thought. Whether you’re a fan of crime dramas or simply someone interested in the societal issues surrounding crime, “Murder Nation” is definitely worth your time.

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