Shows Like Monovlogs (2021)

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MONOVLOGS is a creative platform dedicated to showcasing exceptional acting talent from around the world. At our core is the belief that innovation can be paired with the rich traditions of this age-old artform to bridge the gap of inequality that currently exists for actors; and develop a new way to discover or rediscover our best acting talent worldwide. We are empowering actors to tell the stories they want to tell through the characters and performance styles they feel best represent their unique talents, all while inspiring the audience to reimagine how we receive these stories that so often incite reflection, challenge our thoughts and move us.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Andrea Abello, Brett Bartholomew, Shadi Ghaheri, Alice Kremelberg

1 season, 7 episodes

Shows Most Like Monovlogs (2021)

The Feels (2016)

The Feels (2016)

8 / 10 (based on 13 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Tim Manley, Adepero Oduye, Peter Aguero, Duane Nakia Cooper
Creators: Tim Manley, Naje Lataillade

3 seasons, 90 episodes

Doomsday (2016)

Sonja O'Hara, Alice Kremelberg, Donald Paul, Barron A. Myers, Karin Agstam, Jaspal Binning, and Melody Cheng in Doomsday (2016)

6.4 / 10 (based on 95 reviews)

Doomsday follows the daily lives of the residents of a millennial cult and explores the gray area where youthful idealism evolves into deadly extremism.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Ellen Toland, Sonja O’Hara, Karin Agstam, Alice Kremelberg
Creators: Sonja O’Hara

2 seasons, 8 episodes

Working on It (2015)

Margarita Zhitnikova and Stacey Maltin in Working on It (2015)

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Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Alice Kremelberg, Jessica Coghill, Chad Carstarphen, Ron Tzur
Creators: Margarita Zhitnikova

1 season, 4 episodes

Unprecedented: Real Time Theatre from a State of Isolation (2020)


6.3 / 10 (based on 42 reviews)

Unprecedented responds to the radical way we’ve seen our world change during the coronavirus pandemic. UK’s most celebrated actors star in this anthology series as regular people trying to cope with life under lockdown.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Alex Lawther, Katherine Parkinson, Sue Johnston, Arthur Darvill

1 season, 5 episodes

In the sprawling universe of television, where genres blend and new formats emerge, there’s a show that quietly made its mark in 2021. “Monovlogs” isn’t your typical series. It breaks away from the traditional storytelling methods, offering viewers something both refreshing and introspective. This piece aims to peel back the layers of “Monovlogs,” exploring its unique format, the themes it tackles, and why it’s worth your time.

What is “Monovlogs”?

At its core, “Monovlogs” is a series of monologue-based episodes, where each installment features a single character speaking directly to the camera. It’s as if the characters are vlogging, sharing their innermost thoughts, fears, and desires without the intrusion of other characters or external plotlines. This format allows for a deep dive into character psychology, making “Monovlogs” a standout in the realm of TV shows.

The Format’s Appeal

You might wonder, why watch someone talk for an entire episode? The answer lies in the raw and unfiltered glimpse into a character’s mind. “Monovlogs” strips away the usual distractions of dramatic settings and complex story arcs, focusing instead on the essence of storytelling: the human experience. This minimalist approach brings a level of intimacy and authenticity that’s rare in traditional TV shows.

Breaking Down Walls

One of the most compelling aspects of “Monovlogs” is its ability to break the fourth wall without it feeling like a gimmick. Characters often acknowledge the audience’s presence, creating a direct line of communication that feels personal and engaging. This technique not only draws viewers in but also fosters a connection that transcends the screen.

A Showcase of Acting Talent

“Monovlogs” serves as a platform for incredible acting performances. With the spotlight on a single character, actors have the unique opportunity to showcase their range and depth. Episodes often feel like a one-person play, with each monologue delivering an emotional punch that can leave viewers moved, introspective, or even changed.

Themes Explored

Despite its simple format, “Monovlogs” tackles a wide array of themes, from the complexities of love and loss to the nuances of identity and self-discovery. Each episode is a standalone story, offering fresh perspectives and insights into the human condition.

Love and Relationships

Several episodes delve into the intricacies of love, portraying it in its many forms. From the joy of first love to the pain of heartbreak, “Monovlogs” doesn’t shy away from showing love’s impact on our lives. One memorable episode features a character grappling with unrequited love, their monologue a poignant exploration of longing and acceptance.

Identity and Self-Discovery

“Monovlogs” also shines a light on the journey of self-discovery. Characters confront their fears, desires, and the facets of their identity they struggle to accept. An episode that stands out is one where a character comes to terms with their sexuality, their monologue a powerful testament to the courage required to embrace one’s true self.

Why “Monovlogs” Deserves Your Attention

In a sea of content where high-stakes drama and elaborate plots often take center stage, “Monovlogs” offers a refreshing change of pace. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth adding to your watch list.

Authentic Storytelling

At its heart, “Monovlogs” is about telling authentic stories. The show’s format allows for a level of honesty and introspection that’s rare in mainstream television. Each episode feels like a glimpse into someone’s diary, offering stories that are relatable, raw, and real.

Emotional Resonance

Thanks to its focus on character-driven narratives, “Monovlogs” packs an emotional punch. The show has a way of making you feel deeply for its characters, even though you only spend an episode with them. It’s a testament to the power of storytelling and the emotional depth that can be achieved through monologues.

A Unique Viewing Experience

Finally, “Monovlogs” offers something different. In an era where binge-watching has become the norm, this show invites viewers to slow down and reflect. Each episode is a self-contained story, making “Monovlogs” perfect for those looking for a meaningful yet manageable viewing experience.

Final Thoughts

“Monovlogs” may not have the flashiness of other shows, but its strength lies in its simplicity. Through its unique format and compelling storytelling, it offers a window into the human soul, reminding us of the power of empathy and the importance of understanding others’ experiences. Whether you’re drawn to its introspective nature or the standout performances, “Monovlogs” is a show that proves sometimes less really is more.

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