Shows Like Meester! (1993)

6.1 / 10 (based on 23 reviews)

Mr. Buys, the Flemish teacher from “Meester, hij begint weer!”, takes an even more challenging teaching job – not only the new generation of pupils is even sassier, in this parallel type of school (neither the subsidized, market-leading Catholic nor the publicly organized net’s curriculum) called Streber (a pun of the real Steiner school) pupils are formally encouraged to learn empirically and express themselves quite freely. Adding to his troubles, the principal is a selfish dictatorial vamp, his colleagues are cynics and the janitor a jealous busybody.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Frank Dingenen, Wendy Van Wanten, Jos Geens, Camilia Blereau

13 episodes, 25-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Meester! (1993)

Cheyenne & Lola (2020)


7.3 / 10 (based on 430 reviews)

A murder ties the fate of two women with an adverse background. They get dragged into a threatening game of fraud and betrayal.

Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama, Western

Main Cast: Veerle Baetens, Charlotte Le Bon, Patrick d’Assumçao, Alban Lenoir
Creators: Virginie Brac

1 season, 8 episodes

Glad IJs (2021)

Koen De Bouw, Lucas Van den Eynde, Viv Van Dingenen, Vincent Van Sande, and Lize Feryn in Glad IJs (2021)

7.1 / 10 (based on 393 reviews)

Phil “Frisco” Druyts is a hardworking businessman who is very popular with his employees, but not so much with his own family. His sudden kidnapping causes a public uproar.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Lucas Van den Eynde, Koen De Bouw, Vincent Van Sande, Barbara Sarafian

1 season, 10 episodes

Albatros (2020)

Albatros (2020)

7.4 / 10 (based on 478 reviews)

This tragicomic fiction series focuses on ten obese men and women, who want to improve their lives and therefore participate in the ‘Albatros’ slimming camp in the Ardennes.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Janne Desmet, Benny Claessens, Dominique Van Malder, Ruth Beeckmans

1 season, 8 episodes

In the landscape of 90s television, where sitcoms and dramas were battling for supremacy in living rooms across the globe, there emerged a show that, while not as widely recognized as some of its contemporaries, carved its own niche and left an indelible mark on its viewers. That show is “Meester!” (1993), a series that, despite its relatively brief run, managed to encapsulate the essence of the era while also breaking new ground in storytelling and character development. Let’s take a closer look at what made “Meester!” stand out and why it remains a noteworthy entry in the annals of television history.

The Premise

At its core, “Meester!” is a show about the everyday life of a high school teacher, Mr. John Meester, navigating the challenges of educating and connecting with his students while also dealing with his own personal and professional issues. It’s a simple setup, but the execution was anything but. The series was praised for its realistic portrayal of the teaching profession, as well as its nuanced exploration of themes such as adolescence, authority, and the importance of mentorship.

The Characters

Mr. John Meester

The titular character, played with a compelling mix of warmth and gravitas by an actor whose performance anchored the show, was not your typical TV teacher. He was flawed, occasionally uncertain, and deeply human, which made viewers root for him all the more. His interactions with his students were a highlight, showcasing a range of emotions and teaching moments that felt genuine and impactful.

The Students

The students in Mr. Meester’s class were a diverse group, each with their own backstory and challenges. From the ambitious but overworked Sarah to the class clown, Mike, who used humor to mask his insecurities, the show did an excellent job of giving each student a distinct voice and arc. This not only added depth to the series but also reflected the real-life diversity of experiences in a typical classroom.

Supporting Cast

The supporting characters, including fellow teachers and school staff, were not mere background players but were given their own moments to shine. Their interactions with Mr. Meester and the students added layers to the show’s exploration of the educational ecosystem and the various dynamics at play within a school setting.

Standout Episodes

“Meester!” was known for episodes that tackled complex issues with sensitivity and insight. One particularly memorable episode dealt with the topic of bullying, showing not just the immediate effects on the victim but also exploring the bully’s background, thereby presenting a more nuanced view of the issue. Another standout episode focused on the importance of arts education, culminating in a school play that brought together various characters and storylines in a powerful and uplifting finale.


While “Meester!” may not have achieved the same level of fame as some of its 90s counterparts, its impact on those who watched it is undeniable. It was a show that treated its young audience with respect, never shying away from difficult topics but also infusing its narrative with hope and humor. It’s a testament to the series that, decades later, former viewers still recall it fondly and credit it with influencing their views on education and empathy.

Why It Still Matters

In today’s television landscape, where there’s no shortage of content vying for attention, “Meester!” stands as a reminder of the power of simple, yet powerful storytelling. It didn’t rely on gimmicks or sensational plotlines but instead focused on creating well-rounded characters and engaging narratives that resonated with viewers on a personal level.

Moreover, the themes “Meester!” explored are as relevant today as they were in the 90s. The challenges of adolescence, the importance of effective mentorship, and the impact of education are timeless topics that continue to inspire and provoke discussion. In this way, “Meester!” offers valuable lessons for both current and future generations of viewers and creators alike.


“Meester!” may not have been the biggest hit of its time, but its legacy is a powerful one. It showed that television could be a medium for thoughtful, impactful storytelling that speaks to both the head and the heart. For those who watched it, the show remains a cherished memory, a slice of 90s television that stood out not for its flashiness but for its authenticity and emotional depth.

As we look back on the landscape of 90s TV, “Meester!” deserves its place among the shows that defined the era. It may have flown under the radar for some, but for those who discovered it, the series offered a unique and memorable viewing experience that still resonates today. In a world where content is king, “Meester!” reminds us that sometimes, the most powerful stories are the ones that reflect our own lives and struggles, teaching us lessons that stay with us long after the final credits have rolled.

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