Shows Like München Mord (2013)

Bernadette Heerwagen, Alexander Held, and Marcus Mittermeier in München Mord (2013)

7.8 / 10 (based on 77 reviews)

Genre: Crime

Main Cast: Bernadette Heerwagen, Marcus Mittermeier, Alexander Held, Christoph Süß
Creators: Alexander Adolph, Eva Wehrum

2 seasons, 14 episodes, 90-minute runtime

Shows Most Like München Mord (2013)

Sarah Kohr (2014)

Mord im Alten Land (2018)

7.2 / 10 (based on 79 reviews)

Commissioner Sarah Kohr is investigating to arrest criminals, with camouflage skills if necessary.

Genre: Crime

Main Cast: Lisa Maria Potthoff, Herbert Knaup, Corinna Kirchhoff, Stephanie Eidt

1 season, 7 episodes

Faster than Fear (2022)


7.2 / 10 (based on 355 reviews)

In a spectacular escape, a sadistic murderer breaks out of a psychiatric institution. Sunny, a police officer just ending her medical leave, is assigned to lead the manhunt. But will the truth about her own past come out and destroy her?

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Main Cast: Friederike Becht, Christoph Letkowski, Felix Klare, Andreas Döhler

1 season, 6 episodes, 48.0-minute runtime

Solo für Weiss (2016)

Solo für Weiss (2016)

6.8 / 10 (based on 83 reviews)

Solo for Weiss is a ZDF crime series with Anna Maria Mühe in the role of the target investigator Nora Weiss.

Genre: Crime

Main Cast: Anna Maria Mühe, Peter Jordan, Jan Krauter, Rainer Bock

1 season, 7 episodes, 90.0-minute runtime

Helen Dorn (2014)

Helen Dorn (2014)

6.8 / 10 (based on 125 reviews)

Helen Dorn determined.

Genre: Crime

Main Cast: Anna Loos, Ernst Stötzner, Tristan Seith, Daniel Friedrich

1 season, 15 episodes, 90.0-minute runtime

Dengler (2015)

Dengler (2015)

6.9 / 10 (based on 141 reviews)

An ex-Federal police officer turned private eye investigates a renowned scientist suspected of rape, but things are not always as they seem.

Genre: Thriller

Main Cast: Ronald Zehrfeld, Birgit Minichmayr, Rainer Bock, Götz Schubert

1 season, 6 episodes, 89.0-minute runtime

Wolfsland (2016)

Wolfsland (2016)

6.4 / 10 (based on 121 reviews)

Criminalist Viola Delbrück and Detective Burkhard ‘Butch’ Schulz solve crimes in the mountains of Upper Lusatia.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery

Main Cast: Götz Schubert, Yvonne Catterfeld, Jan Dose, Stephan Grossmann

1 season, 10 episodes, 90.0-minute runtime

Introduction to München Mord

In the vast ocean of TV crime dramas, finding a show that stands out for its unique approach and storytelling can be like searching for a needle in a haystack. However, nestled within this crowded genre is the German series “München Mord,” a show that has managed to carve out its own niche since its debut in 2013. Unlike its peers, “München Mord” doesn’t just serve up the usual fare of dark scenes and grim-faced detectives. Instead, it offers a blend of humor, quirky characters, and intriguing plots that breathe fresh air into the well-trodden paths of crime-solving.

The Premise

Set against the backdrop of Munich, the series follows an unconventional trio of homicide detectives: Ludwig Schaller, Harald Neuhauser, and Angelika Flierl. What sets them apart isn’t just their distinct personalities but how they seem to be the misfits of the police department. Schaller, the veteran of the group, is as unconventional in his methods as he is in his fashion sense, often seen donning Hawaiian shirts. Neuhauser brings a more serious, though somewhat naive, approach to the team. Meanwhile, Flierl, the only woman in the group, uses her sharp intellect and empathy to connect the dots.

The Characters

  • Ludwig Schaller is a character that could easily fall into the trope of the eccentric detective, but the show manages to keep him grounded. His unconventional methods and deep understanding of human nature make him a fascinating character to watch.

  • Harald Neuhauser provides the perfect counterbalance to Schaller’s eccentricities. His by-the-book approach and dedication to the job add a layer of realism to the team’s dynamic.

  • Angelika Flierl breaks the mold of the typical female sidekick. She’s not there to serve as a foil to her male counterparts; instead, she brings her own strengths to the table, proving to be an indispensable member of the team.

Why It Stands Out

“München Mord” distinguishes itself through its unique blend of humor and drama. The show doesn’t shy away from exploring dark themes, but it does so with a lightness of touch that is rare in the genre. The humor is never forced; it arises naturally from the characters’ interactions and the absurdities of their situations. This balance ensures that the show remains engaging without ever becoming frivolous.

Another aspect that sets “München Mord” apart is its dedication to character development. Over the course of the series, viewers get to know the detectives not just as crime solvers but as people. Their backstories, personal struggles, and growth are woven into the narrative, making them feel like real, flesh-and-blood individuals rather than mere caricatures.

Memorable Episodes and Cases

While each episode of “München Mord” delivers a compelling mystery, there are a few standouts that exemplify the show’s strengths:

  • The Pilot Episode introduces viewers to the team and sets the tone for the series. It’s a masterclass in how to establish characters and their dynamics while also delivering a gripping mystery.

  • “Die Hölle bin ich” (I am Hell) explores the dark underbelly of Munich’s art scene. This episode stands out for its intricate plot and the way it delves into the psychology of its characters.

  • “Einer der’s geschafft hat” (One Who Made It) is notable for its social commentary, examining the pressures of success and the lengths to which people will go to maintain their status.

The Munich Setting

Munich, with its blend of modernity and tradition, provides the perfect setting for the series. The city’s landmarks, from the bustling Marienplatz to the serene English Garden, add a layer of authenticity to the show. Moreover, the series does an excellent job of capturing the city’s atmosphere, from its cozy beer gardens to its elegant art galleries, making Munich almost a character in its own right.

Fan Reception and Legacy

Since its debut, “München Mord” has garnered a dedicated fan base, not just in Germany but around the world. Fans appreciate the show for its refreshing take on the crime drama genre, its well-drawn characters, and its clever plotting. In a landscape dominated by formulaic procedurals, “München Mord” has proven that there’s still room for innovation and personality.

The show’s legacy is evident in the way it has influenced other crime dramas, with many attempting to replicate its blend of humor and heart. However, “München Mord” remains in a class of its own, thanks to its distinctive characters and its ability to tell compelling stories with both warmth and wit.


“München Mord” is a testament to the enduring appeal of the crime drama genre. By infusing its tales of murder and mystery with humor, depth, and a keen sense of place, the series offers something genuinely refreshing. It proves that even in a crowded field, a show can stand out by simply being true to itself and its characters. For fans of crime dramas looking for something different, “München Mord” is a series well worth watching.

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