Shows Like Live Free’s Unscripted (2019)

9.5 / 10 (based on 15 reviews)

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Mike Barkhoff, Dylan Van Hauen, Laney Gardner, Conner Paulsen

1 season, 4 episodes

Shows Most Like Live Free’s Unscripted (2019)

Barking Vans’ Unscripted (2017)


9.5 / 10 (based on 13 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Mike Barkhoff, Jarrod Van Hauen, Ashtun O’Rourke, Emmett Kendrick

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Barking Vans’ Horror Fest (2017)


9.2 / 10 (based on 12 reviews)

An episode-by-episode anthological web series featuring horrific tellings from the cast and crew of Barking Vans. Beginning after the unforeseen success of Mike Barkhoff’s debut horror short film “Candlelight”, this inspired everyone to pick up the camera and delve into the darkest story they could think about. Lasting between 2017 to 2018 across fifteen episodes, with a third season having been planned, Horror Fest is, save for few episodes, one of the most critical darlings released by Barking Vans.

Genre: Horror

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The Live Free Podcast (2019)


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Living Free (2021)


9.5 / 10 (based on 21 reviews)

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8.9 / 10 (based on 15 reviews)


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In the world of television, where scripted shows often get the lion’s share of attention, there’s a hidden gem that has been quietly captivating audiences since its debut in 2019. “Live Free’s Unscripted” has carved out a unique space for itself, proving that reality TV can still be fresh, engaging, and, most importantly, real. This show is a testament to the power of unscripted content, offering viewers a raw and unfiltered look into the lives of its participants. Let’s explore what makes this show stand out in the crowded landscape of television programming.

The Premise

At its core, “Live Free’s Unscripted” is about people who choose to live their lives off the grid. These individuals, or groups of people, have decided to step away from the conventional lifestyle that’s tied to the nine-to-five grind and embrace a life of freedom, self-sufficiency, and minimalism. Each season, the show follows different participants as they navigate the challenges and joys of their chosen lifestyle, from building their own homes to sourcing food and dealing with the elements.

Authenticity is Key

One of the show’s strongest selling points is its commitment to authenticity. In an era where reality TV often feels scripted or manipulated, “Live Free’s Unscripted” stands out by letting events unfold naturally. There’s no dramatic music cueing the audience on how to feel, no confessionals where participants are prodded to create conflict. Instead, the show allows the natural drama of life to present itself, whether it’s the struggle of building a shelter before winter or the joy of a successful harvest.

Diverse Participants

Diversity is another aspect where “Live Free’s Unscripted” excels. The show makes a conscious effort to feature a wide range of participants, from solo adventurers to families, each with their unique backgrounds and reasons for choosing this lifestyle. This diversity not only keeps the show interesting but also provides a broad perspective on what living off the grid can look like. For instance, one season might focus on a young individual using technology to stay connected while living remotely, while another might feature a family relying on traditional skills passed down through generations.

Learning and Inspiration

Beyond entertainment, the show serves as an educational platform, offering viewers insights into alternative living methods and sustainability practices. Each episode is packed with information on topics like renewable energy, water collection, and permaculture, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in these subjects. Moreover, “Live Free’s Unscripted” inspires people to think critically about their lifestyle choices and the impact they have on the environment.

Community and Connection

Despite its focus on individuals living off the grid, the show highlights the importance of community and connection. Many episodes showcase participants interacting with their neighbors, sharing resources, and supporting each other. This aspect of the show challenges the stereotype of off-grid living as a solitary experience, revealing the strong networks and friendships that can form in these communities.

Challenges and Triumphs

“Live Free’s Unscripted” doesn’t shy away from the realities of off-grid living, including its challenges. Viewers get an honest look at the struggles participants face, from dealing with inclement weather to overcoming personal doubts. These moments are crucial, as they add depth to the narrative and allow audiences to connect with the participants on a human level. However, it’s not all about the hardships. The show also celebrates the triumphs, big and small, that come with this lifestyle. Whether it’s the completion of a home-built from scratch or the first successful harvest, these victories are a testament to the resilience and creativity of the human spirit.

Why It Matters

In a landscape saturated with content that often feels superficial, “Live Free’s Unscripted” offers something different: a glimpse into a way of life that many of us are curious about but may never experience firsthand. It challenges viewers to reconsider their values and the societal norms that dictate how we live. By presenting an unvarnished look at the joys and challenges of living off the grid, the show invites us to reflect on our connection to the natural world and each other.


“Live Free’s Unscripted” is more than just a TV show; it’s a window into a world that defies conventional living. It’s a celebration of freedom, self-reliance, and the human spirit’s capacity to adapt and thrive in harmony with nature. Through its authentic portrayal of off-grid living, diverse participants, and focus on community and sustainability, the show has not only captivated audiences but also sparked conversations about what it means to live a meaningful life. In a world that often feels disconnected, “Live Free’s Unscripted” reminds us of the power of simplicity, the beauty of the natural world, and the importance of forging our own paths.

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