Shows Like Le négociateur (2005)

Le négociateur (2005)

7.6 / 10 (based on 91 reviews)

Le Québec des années 1970 voit déferler une vague sans précédent de vols de banque, enlèvements et prises d’otage. Mal préparées, les forces policières n’ont souvent d’autre choix que de négocier avec les criminels en ayant recours à des intermédiaires, notamment des journalistes. Mac Cloutier est l’un d’eux, ni policier ni criminel, funambule sur le fil ténu entre le bien et le mal. La série raconte son histoire. Inspirée de la vie du réputé chroniqueur judiciaire Claude Poirier, la série est néanmoins une fiction.

Genre: Crime, Action, Drama

Main Cast: Frédérick De Grandpré, Julien Poulin, Roc Lafortune, Pauline Martin

3 seasons, 26 episodes, 60-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Le négociateur (2005)

Les Simone (2016)

Les Simone (2016)

7.6 / 10 (based on 164 reviews)

Follow ‘Les Simone’ in their search for affirmation, independence, and research of themselves. Their adventures will bring to life the whole range of emotions.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Anne-Élisabeth Bossé, Rachel Graton, Marie-Eve Perron, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman

3 seasons, 39 episodes, 24.0-minute runtime

Mensonges (2014)

Mensonges (2014)

7.6 / 10 (based on 189 reviews)

Sergeant Julie Beauchemin and the team are assigned a case after finding a body.

Genre: Crime, Mystery

Main Cast: Fanny Mallette, Éric Bruneau, Sylvain Marcel, Mélissa Désormeaux-Poulin

4 seasons, 40 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

Faits divers (2017)

Isabelle Blais and Émile Proulx-Cloutier in Faits divers (2017)

8.2 / 10 (based on 127 reviews)

-A triple murder shatters the calm of a small Québec town (in Canada).

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery

Main Cast: Émile Proulx-Cloutier, Isabelle Blais, Marie-Eve Beaulieu, Tony Calabretta

4 seasons, 32 episodes, 41.0-minute runtime

M’entends-tu? (2018)

M'entends-tu? (2018)

7.8 / 10 (based on 773 reviews)

-‘M’entends-tu?’ is a dramatic comedy that plunges us into the unusual daily life of Ada, Fabiola and Carolanne, three long-time friends from the midst of poverty.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Ève Landry, Florence Longpré, Mélissa Bédard, Pascale Renaud-Hébert

3 seasons, 30 episodes, 30.0-minute runtime

Léo (2018)

Léo (2018)

7.9 / 10 (based on 131 reviews)

At 40, single and with no work experience, Léo wants to take his life in his own hands. Raised alone by his father, Leo graduated from the University of Life. He loves hunting, fishing and can fix almost anything that comes to hand.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Fabien Cloutier, Marie-Laurence Moreau, Steve Laplante, Julien Poulin

2 seasons, 24 episodes, 24.0-minute runtime

Like-moi! (2015)

Like-moi! (2015)

8 / 10 (based on 128 reviews)

Like-moi est une comédie à sketchs qui illustre la quête frénétique et hilarante de l’amour et du bonheur de la génération Y. Pas facile pour ces jeunes adultes de vivre sous l’influence du Web, des blogues et des réseaux sociaux tout en cherchant l’âme soeur. Voilà, une toile de fond riche en rebondissements pour cette irrésistible série.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Guillaume Lambert, Florence Longpré, Katherine Levac, Karine Gonthier-Hyndman

5 seasons, 60 episodes, 25.0-minute runtime

In the realm of television, certain shows manage to carve out a niche for themselves, capturing the imagination of viewers with their unique premise and compelling storytelling. “Le négociateur” is one such show, a Canadian gem that has intrigued audiences since its debut in 2005. This article aims to explore the show in detail, shedding light on its plot, characters, and the reasons behind its enduring appeal.

The Core of “Le négociateur”

At its heart, “Le négociateur” is a drama series that delves into the high-stakes world of negotiation. Set in Quebec, the show revolves around the life and career of a professional negotiator, a role that demands a blend of psychological insight, patience, and strategic acumen. Each episode presents a new challenge, from hostage situations to complex business deals, offering viewers a glimpse into the tense and often precarious nature of negotiation.

Characters That Drive the Narrative

The show’s success can be attributed in part to its well-crafted characters, particularly the protagonist, whose depth and complexity add layers to the narrative. The supporting cast, too, plays a pivotal role, providing both conflict and camaraderie that enrich the storyline. Here’s a closer look at some of the key characters:

  • The Negotiator: The central figure of the series, the negotiator is portrayed as both skilled and deeply human, grappling with the pressures of the job while navigating personal challenges.
  • The Team: Comprising experts in various fields, the team supports the negotiator, offering insights and assistance that are crucial to the resolution of each case.
  • The Adversaries: From desperate criminals to cold-hearted corporate moguls, the adversaries in “Le négociateur” are as varied as they are compelling, serving as a testament to the show’s nuanced portrayal of conflict.

Standout Episodes

Over its run, “Le négociateur” has produced numerous episodes that have left an indelible mark on its viewers. Some episodes stand out for their intense emotional depth, while others are noted for their clever plot twists. Here are a few notable examples:

  • The Hostage Crisis: An episode that expertly balances tension and emotion, showcasing the negotiator’s skills in a high-stakes situation.
  • The Corporate Takeover: This episode shifts the focus to the boardroom, offering a fascinating look at the psychological tactics employed in business negotiations.
  • The Family Feud: A deeply personal case for the negotiator, this episode explores the complexities of familial relationships and the lengths to which people will go to protect their loved ones.

Why “Le négociateur” Stands Out

“Le négociateur” distinguishes itself from other TV shows in several key ways. First and foremost is its unique focus on negotiation, a theme that is both universal and endlessly fascinating. The show’s ability to weave this theme into a variety of contexts, from criminal standoffs to corporate battles, keeps the content fresh and engaging.

Moreover, the series benefits from its strong character development. Viewers are not merely spectators but are invited to empathize with the characters, understanding their motivations and rooting for their success. This emotional investment adds a layer of richness to the viewing experience.

Lastly, the show’s setting in Quebec adds a distinct cultural flavor, providing a backdrop that is both familiar and exotic to international audiences. The use of the French language, along with references to Quebecois culture and society, lends authenticity and depth to the series.

Behind the Scenes

The making of “Le négociateur” is a story in itself, involving a dedicated team of writers, directors, and actors. The show’s creators have often spoken about their commitment to realism, consulting with real-life negotiators to ensure that the scenarios depicted are both accurate and believable. This commitment to authenticity is evident in the show’s attention to detail, from the dialogue to the depiction of negotiation techniques.

Legacy and Impact

Since its debut, “Le négociateur” has left a lasting impact on its viewers and on the television landscape in Quebec. The show has not only entertained but also educated, shedding light on the art and science of negotiation. Its influence can be seen in the increased interest in negotiation as a field of study and practice, with many fans citing the show as an inspiration for pursuing careers in related fields.


“Le négociateur” is more than just a TV show; it is a testament to the power of storytelling. Through its compelling narrative, intricate characters, and thoughtful exploration of negotiation, the series has captured the hearts and minds of viewers around the world. Whether you’re a fan of drama, interested in the psychology of negotiation, or simply in search of quality television, “Le négociateur” offers something for everyone. Its legacy, no doubt, will continue to endure, inspiring future generations of storytellers and negotiators alike.

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