Shows Like Keresztanyu (2021)

Keresztanyu (2021)

4.1 / 10 (based on 258 reviews)

In a fictional town called Makkosszállás, Róza mama, head of the mafia chain announces on her 69th birthday, that whoever wins the next major election will be the new head of the chain.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Erik Konfár, Béla Dóra, Ferenc Lengyel, Gábor Kékessy

3 seasons, 161 episodes, 60-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Keresztanyu (2021)

A mi kis falunk (2017)

A mi kis falunk (2017)

8 / 10 (based on 1806 reviews)

What is life in our little village like? Impossible situations, familiar characters, and a community where nothing works the way it should. Funny and emotional stories about people who the viewer will instantly become found of. And whom, we all know. Gyuri, the macho-man of the village. The mayor who spends public money on himself. Teca, the ‘hot-girl’ innkeeper, who serves expensive beer, but taps intrigue for free. Erika, the administrator who has been engaged for a millennium. Laci, the kind-hearted village fool who wants to be a mayor. Stoki, the policeman who does not even have a gun and only dreams about actual crimes. Janó, the veterinarian who treats people if there is no better choice. The priest, who captivates the heart of all local women. Common characters in uncommon situations. There is only one thing that is certain, everything is always more complicated than it should be.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Imre Csuja, Gergely Bánki, Csaba Debreczeny, Éva Bata

6 seasons, 76 episodes

Drága örökösök (2019)

Róbert Koltai, Ferenc Lengyel, Szabolcs Bede Fazekas, István Hajdu, and Zsuzsa Járó in Drága örökösök (2019)

5 / 10 (based on 428 reviews)

An old man leaves sixhundred million Forints to his three children and two grandchildren in his testament. All they have to do is to live in his home village for exactly one year. But as time passes, a series of mystery unfold.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Ferenc Lengyel, Zsuzsa Csarnóy, Zsuzsa Járó, Lehel Kovács
Creators: Hámori Barbara

4 seasons, 289 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

A tanár (2018)

A tanár (2018)

6.6 / 10 (based on 526 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Ervin Nagy, Zsolt Anger, Ferenc Elek, Nóra Trokán

4 seasons, 38 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Mintaapák (2019)


5.6 / 10 (based on 169 reviews)

Four fathers are dealing with the difficulty of parenthood.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Béla Mészáros, Éva Botos, Vivien Vághy, Kata Kuna

3 seasons, 300 episodes, 48.0-minute runtime

Doktor Balaton (2020)


5.2 / 10 (based on 93 reviews)

A doctor, participating in an aid program gets involved in a government scam. He gets suspended and until the situation settles he takes refuge in a small village as a GP. But he actually got into a bigger mess.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: András Mészáros, Péter Gula, Beáta Nyirõ, Kata Pálfi

2 seasons, 80 episodes, 25.0-minute runtime

Aranyélet (2015)

Zsolt Anger, Szabolcs Thuróczy, Eszter Ónodi, Laura Döbrösi, and Renátó Olasz in Aranyélet (2015)

8.7 / 10 (based on 8297 reviews)

A corrupt businessman and family man attempts to navigate his way through increasing domestic, legal, and financial problems.

Genre: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Main Cast: Szabolcs Thuróczy, Eszter Ónodi, Renátó Olasz, Laura Döbrösi
Creators: Roope Lehtinen, Mikko Pöllä, Gábor Krigler

3 seasons, 24 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

Apatigris (2020)


7.2 / 10 (based on 179 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Péter Scherer, Balázs Medveczky, Vivien Rujder, Sára Schmidt

2 seasons, 18 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Mellékhatás (2020)


7.7 / 10 (based on 339 reviews)

A successful doctor makes a terrible malpractice, making some of his patients infertile. Now his career and his life are in danger.

Genre: Thriller

Main Cast: Bálint Adorjáni, Alexandra Borbély, Dóra Sztarenki, Bence Szalay

1 season, 10 episodes

Jófiúk (2019)


6.6 / 10 (based on 147 reviews)


Genre: Comedy, Crime

Main Cast: Balázs Mihályfi, Gábor Hevér, Dániel Király, Lia Pokorny

2 seasons, 15 episodes

In the realm of television, every so often, a show emerges that might not capture the global spotlight but carves its niche, resonating deeply with its audience. “Keresztanyu,” a Hungarian series that debuted in 2021, is one such show. It’s a gripping tale that might not have been on everyone’s radar but certainly deserves a closer look. Let’s break down what makes “Keresztanyu” stand out, without any unnecessary fluff.

The Premise

At its core, “Keresztanyu” is a crime drama, but to pigeonhole it as just another entry in a crowded genre would be doing it a disservice. The series revolves around the life of a woman who becomes entangled in the criminal underworld, but with a twist – she’s not your typical protagonist. Unlike the polished, unflappable figures we often see leading such narratives, the central character of “Keresztanyu” is deeply human, flawed, and relatable.

Characters and Development

The Protagonist

The lead character, whose journey we follow, brings a fresh perspective to the crime drama genre. She’s a mother, with all the complexity that role entails, navigating the treacherous waters of the criminal underworld. What sets her apart is her resilience and the maternal instinct that drives her actions, even when they lead her down dark paths.

Supporting Cast

The show doesn’t skimp on character development for its supporting cast either. Each character, from the allies to the antagonists, is given depth and motivations that go beyond the superficial. This attention to character development makes the world of “Keresztanyu” feel lived-in and real, drawing viewers deeper into its narrative.

Themes and Messages

“Keresztanyu” tackles themes that are both timeless and timely. It explores the lengths to which a person will go for their family, the blurred lines between right and wrong, and the sacrifices required to protect those we love. These themes are handled with a deftness that avoids preaching, instead inviting viewers to ponder these questions themselves.

Visuals and Setting

The show’s setting plays a crucial role in its storytelling. The gritty, often stark visuals contribute to the atmosphere, making the viewer feel the weight of the protagonist’s world. The cinematography is deliberate, using the Hungarian backdrop to enhance the narrative’s mood and tension.

Reception and Impact

Since its debut, “Keresztanyu” has garnered a dedicated following. Its impact lies not just in its storytelling or characters but in how it has resonated with viewers looking for more than just entertainment. It’s a show that stays with you, prompting reflection on its themes long after the credits roll.

Why It Stands Out

In a sea of crime dramas, “Keresztanyu” distinguishes itself in several ways:

  • Relatable Protagonist: The show’s lead is not a detective, a criminal mastermind, or a lawyer; she’s a mother. This perspective is refreshing and grounds the narrative in reality.
  • Character Depth: Few shows manage to flesh out their entire cast as well as “Keresztanyu” does. This depth makes the characters’ choices and the consequences of those choices resonate more with the audience.
  • Thought-Provoking Themes: The series doesn’t shy away from difficult questions about morality, family, and survival. It’s this willingness to explore complex themes that elevates it above mere entertainment.

Final Thoughts

“Keresztanyu” is a testament to the power of storytelling. It proves that a show doesn’t need a massive budget or global marketing to make an impact. What it needs is a compelling narrative, well-developed characters, and a willingness to engage with complex themes.

For those who haven’t watched it yet, “Keresztanyu” is more than worth your time. It’s a series that challenges, entertains, and, most importantly, stays with you. In a world where we’re often bombarded with content that feels disposable, “Keresztanyu” offers something genuinely memorable.

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