Shows Like Jófiúk (2019)

Jófiúk (2019)

6.6 / 10 (based on 147 reviews)

Genre: Comedy, Crime

Main Cast: Balázs Mihályfi, Gábor Hevér, Dániel Király, Lia Pokorny

2 seasons, 15 episodes

Shows Most Like Jófiúk (2019)

A mi kis falunk (2017)

A mi kis falunk (2017)

8 / 10 (based on 1806 reviews)

What is life in our little village like? Impossible situations, familiar characters, and a community where nothing works the way it should. Funny and emotional stories about people who the viewer will instantly become found of. And whom, we all know. Gyuri, the macho-man of the village. The mayor who spends public money on himself. Teca, the ‘hot-girl’ innkeeper, who serves expensive beer, but taps intrigue for free. Erika, the administrator who has been engaged for a millennium. Laci, the kind-hearted village fool who wants to be a mayor. Stoki, the policeman who does not even have a gun and only dreams about actual crimes. Janó, the veterinarian who treats people if there is no better choice. The priest, who captivates the heart of all local women. Common characters in uncommon situations. There is only one thing that is certain, everything is always more complicated than it should be.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Imre Csuja, Gergely Bánki, Csaba Debreczeny, Éva Bata

6 seasons, 76 episodes

A tanár (2018)

A tanár (2018)

6.6 / 10 (based on 526 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Ervin Nagy, Zsolt Anger, Ferenc Elek, Nóra Trokán

4 seasons, 38 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Mellékhatás (2020)


7.7 / 10 (based on 339 reviews)

A successful doctor makes a terrible malpractice, making some of his patients infertile. Now his career and his life are in danger.

Genre: Thriller

Main Cast: Bálint Adorjáni, Alexandra Borbély, Dóra Sztarenki, Bence Szalay

1 season, 10 episodes

Apatigris (2020)


7.2 / 10 (based on 179 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Péter Scherer, Balázs Medveczky, Vivien Rujder, Sára Schmidt

2 seasons, 18 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Egynyári kaland (2015)

Márkó Rubóczki and Sára Schmidt in Egynyári kaland (2015)

7.8 / 10 (based on 701 reviews)


Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance

Main Cast: Sára Schmidt, Márkó Rubóczki, Lili Walters, Dániel Király

4 seasons, 26 episodes, 52.0-minute runtime

Drága örökösök (2019)

Róbert Koltai, Ferenc Lengyel, Szabolcs Bede Fazekas, István Hajdu, and Zsuzsa Járó in Drága örökösök (2019)

5 / 10 (based on 428 reviews)

An old man leaves sixhundred million Forints to his three children and two grandchildren in his testament. All they have to do is to live in his home village for exactly one year. But as time passes, a series of mystery unfold.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Ferenc Lengyel, Zsuzsa Csarnóy, Zsuzsa Járó, Lehel Kovács
Creators: Hámori Barbara

4 seasons, 289 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

Mintaapák (2019)


5.6 / 10 (based on 169 reviews)

Four fathers are dealing with the difficulty of parenthood.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Béla Mészáros, Éva Botos, Vivien Vághy, Kata Kuna

3 seasons, 300 episodes, 48.0-minute runtime

In the world of television, where superhero narratives have been done and redone, “Jófiúk” (2019), known as “The Boys” in English, flips the script in a way that’s both refreshing and darkly comedic. This series, developed by Eric Kripke for Amazon Prime Video, takes a gritty, unapologetic look at what happens when superheroes, who are as popular as celebrities, as influential as politicians, and as revered as gods, abuse their powers rather than use them for good. It’s a story that not only entertains but also holds a mirror up to society, questioning the very nature of power and accountability.

The Premise

At its core, “The Boys” is about the eponymous group, a ragtag team of vigilantes who aim to take down corrupt superheroes with no one else to hold them accountable. These superheroes, or “Supes,” are part of The Seven, a Justice League-esque group that is more concerned with their social media presence and corporate sponsorships than saving the world. The show combines elements of dark comedy, action, and drama to create a narrative that’s as thought-provoking as it is entertaining.

Characters and Dynamics

The Boys

  • Billy Butcher, portrayed by Karl Urban, is the charismatic and vengeful leader of the group. His disdain for all Supes is personal, driving much of the show’s narrative.
  • Hughie Campbell, played by Jack Quaid, is the everyman who gets pulled into the world of vigilante justice after a personal tragedy involving a Supe. His journey from naivety to a more hardened realist serves as the audience’s entry point into the series.
  • Other members include Mother’s Milk, Frenchie, and The Female, each bringing their own skills and tragic backstories to the team.

The Seven

  • Homelander, brilliantly portrayed by Antony Starr, is the leader of The Seven. His all-American hero facade hides a sociopathic nature, making him one of the most compelling characters on the show.
  • Queen Maeve, A-Train, The Deep, and others make up the rest of The Seven, each dealing with their own demons and moral ambiguities.

The dynamics between and within these groups provide much of the show’s tension and intrigue. The Boys are not without their flaws, and The Seven are not entirely devoid of redeeming qualities, creating a complex moral landscape.

Themes and Social Commentary

“The Boys” doesn’t shy away from tackling big themes like the corrupting influence of power, the dangers of celebrity worship, and the ethical quandaries of vigilante justice. It also delves into issues of corporate greed, media manipulation, and the military-industrial complex, making it incredibly relevant in today’s world.

One of the show’s strengths is its ability to balance these heavier themes with moments of levity and dark humor. It’s a tightrope walk that could easily fall into cynicism or preachiness, but “The Boys” manages to stay engaging and entertaining without losing its edge.

Standout Moments

Throughout its run, “The Boys” has delivered many memorable moments that have sparked discussions among its viewers. Here are a few examples:

  • The Explosive Beginning: The show kicks off with a literal bang, setting the tone for what’s to come.
  • The Plane Rescue Gone Wrong: This harrowing scene is a turning point in the series, showcasing the true nature of some of the Supes and the consequences of their actions.
  • The Whale Incident: A perfect blend of shock, humor, and character development, this moment is a testament to the show’s unique approach to storytelling.

These scenes, among others, demonstrate the show’s willingness to push boundaries and challenge expectations.

Reception and Impact

Since its debut, “The Boys” has received critical acclaim for its writing, performances, and its fresh take on the superhero genre. It has sparked conversations about the nature of heroism, the impact of corporate culture on society, and the moral complexities of its characters’ actions.

The show has also been praised for its social commentary, particularly in its portrayal of the media and public perception. It’s a reminder that in an era of 24/7 news cycles and social media, the line between hero and villain can be manipulated and blurred.


“The Boys” is a series that defies easy categorization. It’s a superhero show that’s not really about heroes. It’s a comedy that’s not afraid to delve into darkness. It’s a critique of modern society that still believes in the possibility of redemption. In a landscape filled with superhero narratives, “The Boys” stands out for its boldness, its complexity, and its willingness to engage with the darker sides of power and fame.

For those tired of the same old superhero stories, “The Boys” offers a refreshing, albeit cynical, take on the genre. It’s a show that entertains, challenges, and surprises, making it a must-watch for anyone looking for something different in their TV lineup.

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