Shows Like Félix, Maude et la fin du monde (2021)

Sarah Keita and Jean-Carl Boucher in Félix, Maude et la fin du monde (2021)

7.5 / 10 (based on 25 reviews)

After a strange solar eclipse leaves Félix convinced that he is the only person left on Earth, he must come to grips with his new reality. His life changes for the better after he meets Maude.

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Sci-Fi

Main Cast: Jean-Carl Boucher, Sarah Keita, Stéphanie M. Germain, Jean-François Casabonne

1 season, 10 episodes, 13-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Félix, Maude et la fin du monde (2021)

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Genre: Comedy

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1 season, 8 episodes

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Magalie Lépine Blondeau in Sans rendez-vous (2021)

7.5 / 10 (based on 77 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Rachid Badouri, Magalie Lépine Blondeau, Isabelle Vincent, Mikhaïl Ahooja

1 season, 10 episodes, 22.0-minute runtime

Les bogues de la vie (2019)

Charlotte Aubin and Charles-Alexandre Dubé in Les bogues de la vie (2019)

8.2 / 10 (based on 20 reviews)

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Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Charles-Alexandre Dubé, Jean-Carl Boucher, Charlotte Aubin, Alexandre Landry

1 season, 10 episodes

Plan B (2017)

Louis Morissette in Plan B (2017)

8.1 / 10 (based on 244 reviews)

Et si c’était possible de faire marche arrière dans le temps pour modifier le cours des événements et changer sa destinée? Et si une deuxième chance nous était offerte? Et si c’était possible grâce à Plan B – Le jour où Philippe perd l’amour de sa vie, Evelyne, il découvre une invraisemblable compagnie du nom de Plan B qui offre la possibilité de revenir dans le passé. Après un premier essai fructueux, Philippe réalise l’immense pouvoir que lui donne ce stratagème. Il voudra donc aussi s’en servir au profit de son cabinet d’avocats qu’il possède avec son associé/ami/beau-frère Patrice et pour remettre son frère André sur le droit chemin. Mais Philippe réalisera qu’un choix nouveau, aussi minime soit-il, a des répercussions aussi incontrôlables qu’insoupçonnées sur sa vie et celle des autres. Plus rien ne sera sans conséquence. Le jeu en vaut-il la chandelle? Valait-il mieux accepter son véritable destin?

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi

Main Cast: Louis Morissette, Magalie Lépine Blondeau, Émile Proulx-Cloutier, Linda Sorgini

3 seasons, 13 episodes, 30.0-minute runtime

Pour toujours, plus un jour (2020)


8.1 / 10 (based on 62 reviews)

Chuck is dying. The rare disease that afflicts him since childhood has progressed. It’s the beginning of the end for him, but it’s also far from over. After the diagnosis, Delphine and Chuck have made a big decision: they’re going to make the most of the time they have left together by doing absolutely anything and everything they want without ever stopping to think about the consequences. In this realistic comedy drama, we follow the trials and tribulations of Chuck and Delphine, 24, who decide overnight to transform their everyday lives from ordinary to extraordinary. Over the course of these episodes, they will take drastic steps to make their dreams come true, even if the dreams are far-fetched and the steps shaky at best.

Genre: Drama

Main Cast: Victoria Diamond, Catherine Brunet, Pier-Luc Funk, Rémi Goulet

1 season, 14 episodes

In today’s fast-paced world, where streaming platforms are king, finding a TV show that breaks the mold can feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. Enter “Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” (2021), a Canadian TV series that manages to do just that, offering a fresh take on the coming-of-age genre, blended with a unique apocalyptic twist. This show, while not as widely known as some of its contemporaries, deserves a spot on your watch list for a multitude of reasons.

The Premise

At its core, “Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” revolves around the lives of two teenagers, Félix and Maude, who find themselves navigating the complexities of youth amidst the backdrop of an impending apocalypse. The show skillfully balances the everyday challenges of teenage life – relationships, family dynamics, and self-discovery – with the overarching theme of a world on the brink of collapse.

What sets this series apart is its ability to blend these seemingly disparate elements without feeling forced or contrived. The end-of-the-world scenario isn’t just a gimmick; it serves as a catalyst for character development and plot advancement, pushing the characters to confront their fears, desires, and what truly matters to them when faced with the unimaginable.

Characters and Relationships

One of the show’s strongest suits is its well-rounded characters and the dynamics between them. Félix and Maude, as the central figures, are portrayed with depth and nuance. They’re not your typical high school stereotypes. Instead, they’re complex individuals with their own flaws, aspirations, and personal growth journeys.

Félix, for instance, is not just a brooding teen but someone who grapples with his sense of self and responsibility in the face of looming disaster. Maude, on the other hand, offers a balance to Félix’s character, bringing a sense of optimism and resilience that complements the narrative’s darker tones.

The supporting cast, including their families and friends, are equally compelling, providing a rich tapestry of interactions that add layers to the story. These relationships are portrayed realistically, avoiding the trap of idealization common in many teen dramas. The characters argue, make up, support, and challenge each other in ways that mirror real-life relationships, adding authenticity to the show.

Themes and Messages

Beyond its apocalyptic setting, “Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” delves into themes that resonate on a universal level. It explores the idea of existential dread not just through the literal end of the world but also through the personal crises and uncertainties faced by its characters.

The series doesn’t shy away from addressing issues such as mental health, the impact of family dynamics on personal growth, and the quest for identity in a world that feels increasingly unstable. These themes are handled with sensitivity and insight, making the show both engaging and thought-provoking.

Moreover, the impending apocalypse serves as a metaphor for the urgency of living in the moment and the importance of cherishing connections with others. It prompts viewers to consider what they would prioritize if faced with their own end-of-the-world scenario, making the show’s narrative deeply relatable despite its fantastical premise.

Visuals and Soundtrack

The visual storytelling and soundtrack of “Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” deserve special mention. The cinematography is striking, with a keen eye for detail that enhances the storytelling. The use of color, lighting, and framing adds depth to the narrative, reflecting the characters’ emotions and the series’ shifting tones.

The soundtrack, comprising a mix of contemporary and indie tracks, complements the visual elements perfectly, encapsulating the show’s mood and themes. It serves as an emotional backdrop that enriches the viewing experience, connecting viewers more deeply with the characters and their journeys.

Why It Stands Out

In a landscape saturated with content, “Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” stands out for several reasons. First, its unique blend of genres – combining the coming-of-age narrative with an apocalyptic storyline – offers a fresh perspective on both. It challenges viewers to think about familiar themes in new ways.

Second, the show’s focus on character development and relationships sets it apart from other series that might prioritize plot over character. By investing time in building its characters and their world, “Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” creates a more immersive and emotionally resonant experience for viewers.

Lastly, its willingness to tackle complex themes with honesty and nuance makes it a standout series. It doesn’t offer easy answers or shy away from the messiness of life, making it a more authentic and rewarding watch.

Final Thoughts

“Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” is a hidden gem that deserves more attention. Its blend of genres, well-crafted characters, and thoughtful exploration of universal themes make it a compelling watch. Whether you’re drawn to coming-of-age stories, intrigued by apocalyptic narratives, or simply looking for a show that offers something different, this series is worth checking out.

In a world where it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content available, “Félix, Maude et la fin du monde” proves that there are still stories out there that can surprise, delight, and make us think. So, if you’re in search of a show that combines depth with entertainment, look no further.

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