Shows Like En casa (2020)

En casa (2020)

6.1 / 10 (based on 94 reviews)

Five different filmmakers tell five different stories with the coronavirus quarantine as a framing device.

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Marta Nieto, Leticia Dolera, Celia Freijeiro, Elena Martín
Creators: Leticia Dolera, Carlos Marques-Marcet, Elena Martín

1 season, 5 episodes, 25-minute runtime

Shows Most Like En casa (2020)

La Unidad (2020)


7.3 / 10 (based on 1551 reviews)

A secret unit of cops is assembled to stop a terrorist band from attacking Spain after their leader is arrested there.

Genre: Action, Drama, Thriller

Main Cast: Nathalie Poza, Michel Noher, Marian Álvarez, Luis Zahera
Creators: Dani de la Torre, Alberto Marini

2 seasons, 12 episodes

La línea invisible (2020)

Antonio de la Torre and Àlex Monner in La línea invisible (2020)

7.2 / 10 (based on 1287 reviews)

Based on the birth of Basque terrorists group ETA and their first terror attack, of which military police member José Antonio Pardines was a victim.

Genre: Drama, History, Romance

Main Cast: Àlex Monner, Anna Castillo, Patrick Criado, Joan Amargós

1 season, 6 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Antidisturbios (2020)


8.1 / 10 (based on 4421 reviews)

A fictionalised look into the human tragedy of riot police and police brutality in Spain.

Genre: Thriller

Main Cast: Vicky Luengo, Raúl Arévalo, Álex García, Hovik Keuchkerian
Creators: Isabel Peña, Rodrigo Sorogoyen

1 season, 6 episodes, 306.0-minute runtime

Vamos Juan (2020)


7.1 / 10 (based on 461 reviews)

Sequel to the popular TV series Vote for Juan. Two years have passed since Juan Carrasco, former Minister of Agriculture, reached the heights of power. He now finds himself far from the world of politics leading a simple life as a high school biology teacher in Logroño. Nonetheless, neither his political ambition nor his vocation for public service have abated. Aware of how much he still has to contribute, he decides to take a step forward: he gets his trusted team back together and they return to Madrid to found a new party. To achieve this, Carrasco will have to do everything he can to get political funding and to face down the established powers.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Javier Cámara, María Pujalte, Adam Jezierski, Esty Quesada

2 seasons, 8 episodes

El tiempo que te doy (2021)


7.1 / 10 (based on 1663 reviews)

Lina moves house, looks for a new job, and tries new things in an attempt to forget her first love. Starring Nadia de Santiago and Álvaro Cervantes.

Genre: Short, Drama, Romance

Main Cast: Nadia de Santiago, Álvaro Cervantes, Cala Zavaleta, Nico Romero
Creators: Nadia de Santiago, Inés Pintor, Pablo Santidrián

1 season, 10 episodes, 10.0-minute runtime

Por H o por B (2020)


6.1 / 10 (based on 440 reviews)

Two girls move into a changing Spanish neighborhood and experience the crash between the cool city vibes and the more traditional life they’ve experienced in their native village through fun, surrealist situations.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Marta Martín, Saida Benzal, Brays Efe, Javier Bódalo
Creators: Manuela Burló Moreno

1 season, 10 episodes

La Fortuna (2021)


6.6 / 10 (based on 1395 reviews)

Alex Ventura, a young and inexperienced diplomat, has inadvertently become the leader of a mission that will test all of his convictions: to recover the undersea treasure stolen by adventurer Frank Wild.

Genre: Adventure, Thriller

Main Cast: Álvaro Mel, Ana Polvorosa, Clarke Peters, Stanley Tucci

1 season, 6 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

In 2020, the world faced an unprecedented situation. The COVID-19 pandemic forced millions into lockdown, altering life as we knew it. Amidst this backdrop, an intriguing TV show emerged from Spain: “En casa.” This series is not just a product of its time but a creative exploration of confinement, relationships, and the human spirit. Let’s take a closer look at what makes “En casa” stand out and why it’s worth watching.

The Concept

“En casa” is a Spanish anthology series, each episode directed by a different filmmaker. The catch? Each episode was conceived, shot, and produced during the early days of the COVID-19 lockdown. With this constraint, creators were pushed to innovate, using whatever resources they had at their disposal within their homes. This setup resulted in a series that’s not just about stories unfolding in confined spaces but also a testament to the resilience and creativity of its creators.

The Episodes

The show comprises five episodes, each with its unique storyline and characters. Despite the diversity in storytelling, a common thread runs through them all: the exploration of life’s simplicity and complexity during lockdown. From a couple navigating their relationship to a man confronting his solitude, “En casa” delves into the myriad ways people cope with unprecedented situations.

The Filmmakers’ Challenge

Imagine being a filmmaker with the usual tools of your trade suddenly stripped away. No on-location shoots, no elaborate sets, no crew at your beck and call. This was the challenge faced by the directors of “En casa.” Yet, instead of seeing this as a limitation, they used it as an opportunity to strip storytelling down to its core. The result is a series that feels raw, authentic, and incredibly relatable.

The Power of Simplicity

In a world where TV shows often rely on elaborate plots and special effects to grab attention, “En casa” takes a different route. Its power lies in its simplicity. The stories are about everyday people, dealing with emotions and situations that anyone watching can relate to. This simplicity is what makes the show so compelling. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most profound stories are the ones that mirror our own lives.

Why It Matters

At first glance, “En casa” might seem like a creative experiment born out of necessity. However, it’s much more than that. This series is a snapshot of a moment in history, capturing the fears, hopes, and dreams of people during a global crisis. It’s a testament to the human spirit’s resilience, showcasing how creativity can flourish even in the most challenging times.

A Reflection of Society

Each episode of “En casa” serves as a mirror reflecting the society we found ourselves in during 2020. The themes of isolation, uncertainty, and the craving for connection resonate deeply, given the global context. Watching the series, one can’t help but see pieces of their own lockdown experience reflected in the stories on screen.

Beyond Entertainment

While “En casa” is undoubtedly entertaining, it also serves a larger purpose. It’s a cultural artifact, a piece of history that future generations can look back on to understand what life was like during the pandemic. In this sense, the show goes beyond mere entertainment; it becomes a record of human resilience and creativity in the face of adversity.

The Takeaway

“En casa” is a unique series that emerged from one of the most challenging periods in recent history. Its strength lies in its simplicity, the authenticity of its storytelling, and its reflection of the human condition during the pandemic. It’s a show that not only entertains but also resonates on a deeper level, reminding us of the power of creativity and the enduring spirit of humanity.

Why You Should Watch

If you’re looking for a TV show that’s different from the usual fare, “En casa” is worth checking out. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Relatability: The themes and emotions explored are universal, making it easy for viewers to see parts of their own lives in the stories.
  • Creativity: Seeing how filmmakers adapt to the constraints of lockdown to tell compelling stories is both inspiring and enlightening.
  • Historical Significance: “En casa” captures a specific moment in time, offering insights into the human experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

In conclusion, “En casa” is more than just a TV show; it’s a reflection of a unique period in history, a showcase of creativity under constraints, and a reminder of the shared human experience. Whether you’re interested in the art of filmmaking, looking for something relatable to watch, or simply curious about how people coped during the lockdown, “En casa” offers something valuable for everyone.

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