Shows Like Eleventh Hour (2008)

Rufus Sewell in Eleventh Hour (2008)

7.2 / 10 (based on 4165 reviews)

A government scientist and his tough attractive FBI handler try to save people from deadly scientific experiments, poisoners, rare diseases, and environmental hazards.

Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Thriller

Main Cast: Rufus Sewell, Marley Shelton, Omar Benson Miller, Sarah Ospina
Creators: Stephen Gallagher

1 season, 18 episodes, 45-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Eleventh Hour (2008)

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Motive (2013)

7.4 / 10 (based on 5719 reviews)

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Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Main Cast: Kristin Lehman, Louis Ferreira, Brendan Penny, Lauren Holly
Creators: Daniel Cerone, James Thorpe

4 seasons, 52 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

King & Maxwell (2013)

Rebecca Romijn and Jon Tenney in King & Maxwell (2013)

7.1 / 10 (based on 3782 reviews)

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Genre: Crime, Drama

Main Cast: Jon Tenney, Rebecca Romijn, Ryan Hurst, Michael O’Keefe
Creators: Shane Brennan

1 season, 10 episodes, 60.0-minute runtime

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Beyond (2016)

6.8 / 10 (based on 7321 reviews)

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Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Mystery

Main Cast: Burkely Duffield, Dilan Gwyn, Jonathan Whitesell, Michael McGrady
Creators: Adam Nussdorf

2 seasons, 21 episodes, 43.0-minute runtime

Allegiance (2015)

Scott Cohen, Margarita Levieva, Morgan Spector, Gavin Stenhouse, and Alexandra Peters in Allegiance (2015)

7.1 / 10 (based on 4241 reviews)

A rookie CIA analyst doesn’t know that members of his family are part of a Russian sleeper cell.

Genre: Drama, Thriller

Main Cast: Hope Davis, Scott Cohen, Margarita Levieva, Morgan Spector

1 season, 13 episodes, 42.0-minute runtime

“Eleventh Hour” is a TV show that might not have made the biggest splash in the ocean of television, but it certainly left a mark on those who watched it. It’s one of those series that, despite not lasting for seasons on end, managed to pack quite a punch in its short lifespan. Let’s take a closer look at what made “Eleventh Hour” stand out, its storyline, characters, and why it’s worth your time.

What is “Eleventh Hour”?

“Eleventh Hour” is an American science-based drama series that aired in 2008-2009. It’s a remake of a British series with the same name, which should already give you a hint that it’s not your average crime drama. The show follows Dr. Jacob Hood, a brilliant biophysicist and special science advisor to the FBI, as he investigates scientific crimes and crises, ranging from cloning to deadly diseases. Hood is the government’s last line of defense when science goes wrong, hence the title “Eleventh Hour.”

The Main Characters

Dr. Jacob Hood

Played by Rufus Sewell, Dr. Hood is not your typical TV scientist. He’s charismatic, deeply intelligent, and somewhat eccentric. His role as a special advisor takes him across the country to solve crimes that are as much about the moral implications of science as they are about the science itself. Hood’s character is compelling because he’s not just about the brains; he brings a human touch to his cases, often showing empathy and understanding towards those affected by the scientific crises he investigates.

Special Agent Rachel Young

Every brilliant scientist needs a protector, and that’s where Special Agent Rachel Young, played by Marley Shelton, comes in. She’s assigned to protect Dr. Hood, a job that’s no small feat given the dangers they face together. Young is tough, competent, and dedicated, but her relationship with Hood adds depth to her character. They develop a mutual respect and understanding, creating a dynamic duo that’s enjoyable to watch.

The Storyline

The series kicks off with a bang, diving into high-stakes cases that cover a wide range of scientific phenomena. From a town suffering from a mysterious deadly disease to unethical genetic experiments, “Eleventh Hour” doesn’t shy away from complex topics. What makes the show particularly engaging is its willingness to explore the gray areas of science—the ethical dilemmas, the potential for misuse, and the impact on individuals and communities.

Each episode is standalone, allowing viewers to jump in at any point, but the overarching themes of science and morality provide a cohesive thread. The show does a commendable job of making complex scientific concepts accessible to a general audience, without dumbing down the content. It’s a delicate balance, but “Eleventh Hour” manages it with finesse.

Why It Stands Out

In a sea of crime dramas and procedural shows, “Eleventh Hour” carved out its niche by focusing on the science. It’s not just about solving crimes; it’s about understanding the implications of scientific advancements and grappling with ethical questions. This focus on science, combined with compelling characters and thought-provoking cases, sets it apart from other shows in the genre.

Moreover, the chemistry between Dr. Hood and Agent Young adds a personal dimension to the series. Their relationship evolves over the course of the show, providing a human element to the scientific investigations. It’s this blend of science and character development that makes “Eleventh Hour” more than just another crime drama.

Memorable Episodes

While “Eleventh Hour” had many standout episodes, a few are particularly noteworthy:

  • “Cardiac”: In this episode, Dr. Hood investigates a series of heart attacks among young athletes, uncovering a sinister plot involving genetic enhancement. It’s a gripping story that explores the ethics of genetic manipulation.
  • “Containment”: This episode deals with a deadly virus outbreak, highlighting the challenges of containing diseases and the importance of scientific research in preventing pandemics. It’s eerily prescient and incredibly engaging.
  • “Miracle”: Here, the show delves into the world of miracle cures and the desperation of those seeking them. It’s a poignant episode that showcases the human side of scientific exploration.

Why It’s Worth Watching

“Eleventh Hour” is more than just entertainment; it’s a thought-provoking series that encourages viewers to think about the role of science in society. It’s a show that doesn’t underestimate its audience, presenting complex ideas in an accessible and engaging way. The dynamic between Dr. Hood and Agent Young adds depth, making it not just a show about science, but about people.

Even though it only lasted for one season, “Eleventh Hour” is a hidden gem worth discovering. Whether you’re a science enthusiast or just looking for a compelling drama, this show has something to offer. It’s a reminder of the power of television to not only entertain but to educate and provoke thought.


“Eleventh Hour” may not have had a long run, but its impact is undeniable. It’s a show that dared to explore the complexities of science and its ethical implications, all while delivering engaging stories and well-developed characters. In a world where science plays an increasingly important role in our lives, “Eleventh Hour” remains relevant and worthy of attention.

So, if you’re in the mood for a show that combines the thrill of a crime drama with the intrigue of scientific exploration, give “Eleventh Hour” a chance. It might just surprise you with its depth, intelligence, and heart.

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