Shows Like Dream SMP StoryLine (2020)

6 / 10 (based on 42 reviews)

TommyInnit joins a Minecraft server owned by Drem and makes a big chaos! Drem is mad so he takes Thomas’ treasured music discs and starts bullying him. Thomas starts a nation with Wilbur Soot and later recruits Technoblade, a pig.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Thomas Simons, Tyler Blevins, Lannan Eacott, Dream

4 seasons, 83 episodes

Shows Most Like Dream SMP StoryLine (2020)

Minecraft Manhunt (2019)


7.7 / 10 (based on 795 reviews)

Record breaking speedrunner Dream attempts to beat Minecraft while an increasing number of his friends attempt to kill him. Can he win or will he be hunted down and stopped?

Genre: Action, Adventure

Main Cast: Dream, George Davidson, Nick Armstrong, Darryl Noveschosch

3 seasons, 26 episodes

Dream SMP (2020)


6.1 / 10 (based on 655 reviews)

The Dream SMP – revolution between nations, will it be independence or death? Where revolutions to revolutions happen, a nation stood up for peace and independence. Tune in to find out all the lurking secrets of this intricate universe This is not the end, this is only just the beginning.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama

Main Cast: Thomas Simons, Toby Smith, Dream, Floris

2 seasons, 144 episodes, 120.0-minute runtime

TommyInnit (2021)


5.3 / 10 (based on 112 reviews)

TommyInnit’s adventures in Minecraft and the real world.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Thomas Simons, Toby Smith, Jack Manifold, Ranboo

3 seasons, 25 episodes

Wilbur Soot (2021)


9 / 10 (based on 26 reviews)

The adventures of Wilbur Soot.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Thomas Simons, Wilbur Soot

1 season, 1 episode

Shady Oaks SMP (2021)


9 / 10 (based on 372 reviews)

This is a brand new Minecraft SMP. This Minecraft SMP features old school Minecraft YouTubers where we go to chill – or cause havoc.

Genre: Adventure, Comedy

Main Cast: Daniel Middleton, David Spencer, James Filon, Thinknoodles

1 season, 9 episodes

Markiplier (2012)

Markiplier (2012)

7.7 / 10 (based on 1026 reviews)

Mark plays video games and cracks some jokes.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Mark Fischbach, Bob Muyskens, Wade Barnes, Chica Fischbach

591 episodes

Jacksepticeye (2012)

Jacksepticeye (2012)

7.6 / 10 (based on 834 reviews)

An Irish gamer plays numerous different types of video and computer games, shouting and swearing all the while.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Seán McLoughlin, Felix Kjellberg, Mark Fischbach, Bryan Dechart

146 episodes

Lifestyle Classic (2018)

Clayton James Clyne-Brisson in Lifestyle Classic (2018)

7.8 / 10 (based on 40 reviews)

A series of “classic style” standalone alternative lifestyle videos that take a break from the ongoing storyline of the main show.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Steven Suptic, Clayton James Clyne-Brisson, James DeAngelis, James Buckley

1 season, 15 episodes

MrBeast (2012)


7.9 / 10 (based on 320 reviews)

Jimmy Donaldson a.k.a MrBeast, and his friends Chris, Garret, Chandler, Jake, Karl and Bailey do stunts that no one dares to try.

Genre: Action

Main Cast: Jimmy Donaldson, Chris Tyson, Tyler Oliveira, Bradley Marschke

2 seasons, 28 episodes

Film Theory (2015)

Film Theory (2015)

7.1 / 10 (based on 1252 reviews)

Matthew Patrick goes from Game Theories to theories about the art of film and television storytelling and industry concepts.

Genre: Animation, Comedy, Talk-Show

Main Cast: Matthew Patrick, J.M. Gotay, Forrest Lee, Luke Sizemore
Creators: Matthew Patrick, Tommy Cook

2 seasons, 327 episodes

The Dream SMP storyline is a saga that unfolds within a Minecraft server, blending elements of role-playing, storytelling, and gaming in a unique way that has captured the attention of millions worldwide. This intricate narrative involves a diverse cast of characters, each played by popular YouTubers and Twitch streamers, who navigate through alliances, betrayals, wars, and political drama. The server, initially started by Dream, a well-known figure in the Minecraft community, has evolved from a simple gameplay space to a complex narrative web that’s as engaging as any scripted TV show.

The Beginnings: A Simple Server

The Dream SMP (Survival Multiplayer) began in April 2020, initially as a playground for Dream and his close friends to enjoy Minecraft. However, it didn’t take long for the server to morph into something much greater. As more creators joined, the seeds of a storyline began to sprout. This wasn’t planned; it evolved organically as players interacted, their personalities clashing and merging in unexpected ways.

The Era of L’Manberg

One of the first major arcs in the Dream SMP narrative is the saga of L’Manberg, a separatist nation founded by characters Wilbur Soot and TommyInnit. This storyline introduced themes of rebellion, independence, and the cost of freedom. L’Manberg’s desire for independence from the greater SMP led to the server’s first major conflict, the L’Manberg War. This storyline showcased the server’s ability to weave complex narratives, complete with political intrigue and emotional depth, all within the blocky world of Minecraft.

The Election and Its Aftermath

Following the L’Manberg War, the storyline deepened with the introduction of an election for the presidency of L’Manberg. This event was meant to be a peaceful transition of power but instead introduced betrayal and manipulation as major themes. The election saw the unexpected entry of Jschlatt, a character who, through manipulation and deceit, won the presidency and exiled the founders of L’Manberg. This twist led to the Pogtopia storyline, where the exiled members plotted to take back their nation. The complexity of these events highlighted the server’s ability to handle nuanced political drama, a rarity in the gaming community.

The Rise and Fall of Nations

As the Dream SMP narrative progressed, more nations and factions emerged, each with their own ideologies and goals. From the anarchist commune of The Badlands to the neutral territory of Snowchester, the server became a world of its own. These factions added layers to the storyline, creating a rich tapestry of alliances and conflicts. The rise and fall of these nations were not just background events; they were central to the character development and plot progression, showing the server’s dynamic storytelling capability.

Characters and Development

At the heart of the Dream SMP storyline are its characters. Each player brings their unique personality to their character, blurring the lines between role-play and reality. Characters like Technoblade, Philza, and Tubbo have undergone significant development, influenced by the server’s events. The death of characters, such as Wilbur Soot and later his resurrection, add a layer of permanence and consequence to the storyline, a bold move in a game where death is usually temporary.

The Impact Beyond the Server

The Dream SMP storyline has had a considerable impact beyond the confines of the Minecraft server. It’s spawned fan art, music, animations, and an extensive lore discussion among its community. The storyline’s ability to engage and inspire creativity in its audience is a testament to its depth and appeal. Moreover, it’s introduced a new form of storytelling, one that’s interactive and evolves with the input of both creators and viewers.

The Future of the Dream SMP

As we look to the future, the Dream SMP shows no signs of slowing down. New chapters are added as players join and leave, each bringing new dynamics to the server. The storyline remains unpredictable, a living narrative shaped by the actions and decisions of its characters. It’s this unpredictability and the genuine emotions it evokes that continue to draw in viewers, making the Dream SMP a landmark in online storytelling.


The Dream SMP storyline is more than just a series of events in a Minecraft server. It’s a complex narrative that explores themes of power, loyalty, betrayal, and freedom. Through its evolution, it has shown the potential for video games to be mediums for storytelling, rivaling that of traditional TV shows. The Dream SMP has not only changed the way we view Minecraft but also how stories can be told in the digital age.

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