Shows Like Barking Vans’ Unscripted (2017)

Barking Vans' Unscripted (2017)

9.5 / 10 (based on 13 reviews)

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Mike Barkhoff, Jarrod Van Hauen, Ashtun O’Rourke, Emmett Kendrick

3 seasons, 30 episodes

Shows Most Like Barking Vans’ Unscripted (2017)

Live Free’s Unscripted (2019)


9.5 / 10 (based on 15 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Mike Barkhoff, Dylan Van Hauen, Laney Gardner, Conner Paulsen

1 season, 4 episodes

Barking Vans’ Horror Fest (2017)


9.2 / 10 (based on 12 reviews)

An episode-by-episode anthological web series featuring horrific tellings from the cast and crew of Barking Vans. Beginning after the unforeseen success of Mike Barkhoff’s debut horror short film “Candlelight”, this inspired everyone to pick up the camera and delve into the darkest story they could think about. Lasting between 2017 to 2018 across fifteen episodes, with a third season having been planned, Horror Fest is, save for few episodes, one of the most critical darlings released by Barking Vans.

Genre: Horror

Main Cast: Mike Barkhoff, Ashtun O’Rourke, Jarrod Van Hauen, Shelbey Coy

2 seasons, 15 episodes

The Live Free Podcast (2019)


9.7 / 10 (based on 11 reviews)


Genre: Reality-TV

Main Cast: Mike Barkhoff, Zach Delfs, Conner Paulsen, Cody Malooney

1 season, 10 episodes

ARTic (2014)


8.9 / 10 (based on 15 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Sarah Kellysen, Paul Petroskey, Leila Stroud, Pat Kizer

7 seasons, 88 episodes

Living Free (2021)


9.5 / 10 (based on 21 reviews)

Living Free is a web series that follows a fictional version of the Live Free team as they assess their day-to-day schedules and projects and try to manage them all.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Mike Barkhoff, Dylan Van Hauen, Ron Gomes, Yawar Mushtaq

1 season, 7 episodes

In the realm of television, where scripted dramas and comedies often steal the spotlight, a unique show emerged in 2017 that took a different route. “Barking Vans’ Unscripted” carved its niche by offering viewers something raw and real. This show, as its name suggests, ventured into the unscripted territories of television, providing a fresh perspective on storytelling. Here’s a closer look at what made it stand out.

The Premise

At its core, “Barking Vans’ Unscripted” was about the everyday adventures of a mobile pet grooming service. However, it wasn’t just about pets getting their fur trimmed or nails clipped. The show delved deeper into the lives of the pet owners and the groomers, uncovering heartfelt stories, unexpected challenges, and the occasional chaos that comes with working with animals.

Why It Worked

Relatable Characters

One of the main reasons the show resonated with viewers was its relatable characters. The groomers weren’t polished TV personalities but real people with genuine passions for animals. Their interactions with each other and the pets provided a sense of authenticity that scripted shows often struggle to achieve.

Unpredictable Storylines

Since the show was unscripted, the storylines were as unpredictable as the animals featured. One episode might have focused on a routine grooming session turned chaotic by an overly anxious dog, while another delved into the personal struggles of a groomer. This unpredictability kept viewers engaged, never knowing what to expect next.

Emotional Connection

“Barking Vans’ Unscripted” excelled in creating an emotional connection with its audience. Whether it was a touching moment between a pet owner and their aging pet or a groomer sharing their story of how animals saved them, the show had a way of tugging at heartstrings. These genuine moments of vulnerability and joy were a significant part of its appeal.

Memorable Moments

Throughout its run, “Barking Vans’ Unscripted” had its fair share of memorable moments. Here are a few that stood out:

  • The Great Escape: In one episode, a clever cat managed to escape its carrier, leading to a hilarious yet heartwarming chase around the grooming van. The teamwork and laughter involved in catching the cat showcased the show’s lighter side.

  • The Transformation: Another episode featured a dog that had been rescued from neglect. The groomers not only transformed its appearance but also helped rebuild its trust in humans. This episode was a powerful reminder of the impact of kindness and care.

  • The Surprise Proposal: Perhaps one of the most unexpected moments was when a groomer used a pet grooming session to stage a surprise marriage proposal for their partner. It was a beautiful blend of personal and professional life that left many viewers reaching for tissues.

Behind the Scenes

What viewers saw on screen was only part of the story. Behind the scenes, the crew faced their own set of challenges and adventures. Working with animals meant dealing with the unexpected – from sudden weather changes that affected filming to the occasional stubborn pet refusing to cooperate. Despite these challenges, the crew’s dedication to creating a genuine and engaging show was evident in every episode.

Impact and Legacy

“Barking Vans’ Unscripted” may not have been a ratings giant, but it left a lasting impact on its viewers and the genre of unscripted television. It proved that there’s an audience for shows that offer more than just entertainment but also a connection to the real world and real emotions. The show’s legacy is one of authenticity, compassion, and the simple joy of watching life unfold in its most unpredictable forms.


In a television landscape filled with high-stakes dramas and laugh-track comedies, “Barking Vans’ Unscripted” offered something different. It reminded viewers of the beauty in the ordinary, the stories that exist in everyday life, and the emotional bond between humans and animals. Its success lay not in dramatic plot twists or scripted lines but in its ability to capture the genuine moments that make life worth watching. As unscripted television continues to evolve, “Barking Vans’ Unscripted” stands as a testament to the power of real stories and real emotions.

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