Shows Like Banat Kharqat (Banat Superman) (2016)

Intesar, Yousra El Lozy, Sherry Adel, Riham Haggag, and Bayoumi Fouad in Banat Kharqat (Banat Superman) (2016)

4.8 / 10 (based on 35 reviews)

The series revolves around the character of the legendary Super Man, who comes to Egypt to complete a special mission, but changes his destination and goes to the pyramid street instead of carrying out his mission, then meets a woman there and have sex with her, after his departure she get surprised as she finds out she got pregnant from him with three girls with extraordinary abilities.

Genre: Adventure

Main Cast: Muhammad Farrag, Hend Abdel Haleem, Mahmood Hafez, Hamdi Al Wazir

1 episode, 35-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Banat Kharqat (Banat Superman) (2016)

Nelly and Sherihan (2016)

Nelly and Sherihan (2016)

7.4 / 10 (based on 791 reviews)

This Egyptian comedy is about two cousins from opposite worlds. Nelly being a rich and spoiled person meanwhile Sherihan lives with her aunt in a small apartment. Sherihan has three jobs and a greedy fiancé. Nelly on the other hand spends her time hanging out with her friends. She has a rivalry with this other girl which leads her to this other man. Nelly hits Sherihan with her car and later they find out they are cousins. When they find that out, Nellys dad and Sherihans aunt fall in love and end up getting married. Soon after, the dads company gets sued for negligence. This leads to the dad going to jail and losing all his assets. Nelly then is forced to live with Sherihan until they find a treasure hunt laid out by their grandfather. They believe there is the inheritance he never gave anyone so they start following the seemingly endless clues.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Khalid Bakir, Passant Shawky, Mohammed Tharwat, Bayoumi Fouad

1 season, 30 episodes, 30.0-minute runtime

Fi Al La La Land (2017)

Fi Al La La Land (2017)

6.3 / 10 (based on 449 reviews)

A plane forced landing puts a group of strangers on an inhabited island and the survival struggle begins with many problems and comedic situations.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Bayoumi Fouad, Donia Samir Ghanem, Hana El Zahed, Dalal Abdulaziz

1 season, 30 episodes, 45.0-minute runtime

Rayyah El Madame (2017)

Ahmed Fahmy, Akram Hosny, and Mai Omar in Rayyah El Madame (2017)

6.2 / 10 (based on 325 reviews)

After an accident to his wife, sultan(Ahmed Fahmy) goes on an adventure with his best friend Dr.Bahgat(Akram Hosny) after his wife to see how he could save and have his wife back, all this happens throughout a lot of comedy situations due to Sultan’s wife.

Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Jilan Aala, Aboelhassan Abbas, Nadia Abbas, Saleh Abdel Nabi

The Thief (2020)


6.4 / 10 (based on 197 reviews)

Based on true story, after a family unexpectedly returns home, an unprofessional young man who plans to steal the family finds himself in a difficult situation, and that events happen during the curfew due to the Corona virus.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller

Main Cast: Bayoumi Fouad, Rana Raeis, Ahmad Dash, Rania Youssef

1 season, 10 episodes

Badal El Hadouta 3 (2019)


6.6 / 10 (based on 191 reviews)


Genre: Comedy

Main Cast: Kamba, Bayoumi Fouad, Hana Shihah, Fathi Abdulwahhab

1 season, 30 episodes

Lahfa (2015)

Lahfa (2015)

6.1 / 10 (based on 312 reviews)

Lahfa, a girl who’s dying to become an actress, does everything she can and fails, but doesn’t stop trying. Will she ever become a super star?

Genre: Comedy, Musical

Main Cast: Donia Samir Ghanem, Samir Ghanem, Mohamed Sallam, Ali Rabi

1 season, 30 episodes

Banat Kharqat, or Banat Superman as it’s often referred to in English, is a show that doesn’t just blend into the background of Egyptian television. It’s a standout series that has captured the attention of audiences for several reasons, not least of which is its unique approach to storytelling and character development. This article aims to explore the elements that make Banat Kharqat a noteworthy addition to the realm of TV shows, without resorting to the usual fluff and overused phrases.

The Premise

At its core, Banat Kharqat is about the lives of three young women navigating the complexities of modern life in Egypt. However, calling it just another drama would be doing it a disservice. It’s a mix of humor, heartache, and the harsh realities that many face, wrapped up in a narrative that’s both engaging and thought-provoking. The show doesn’t shy away from tackling societal issues, making it a piece of entertainment that also serves as a commentary on the world it depicts.

Characters and Development

One of the show’s strongest points is its characters. They’re not the one-dimensional figures you might find in other series. These are individuals with depth, flaws, and growth that make them relatable and real.

The Trio

  • The Optimist: One of the three leads is characterized by her unyielding optimism. Despite the challenges she faces, her outlook on life is a breath of fresh air and serves as a reminder of the power of positivity.
  • The Realist: In contrast, another member of the group is more grounded and often serves as the voice of reason. Her pragmatic approach to life’s hurdles is both a source of strength and a point of contention with her more idealistic counterpart.
  • The Dreamer: Rounding out the trio is the dreamer, whose aspirations seem boundless. Her journey is one of self-discovery and serves as a testament to the idea that it’s never too late to pursue your dreams.

Their interactions and growth throughout the series not only drive the plot but also offer viewers a mirror to their own experiences and struggles.

Storytelling and Themes

Banat Kharqat doesn’t just tell a story; it weaves a tapestry of narratives that touch on themes ranging from friendship and family to societal expectations and the pursuit of independence. The way these themes are explored is neither preachy nor superficial. Instead, the show presents these issues in a manner that’s both authentic and engaging, prompting viewers to think critically about the world around them.

Breaking Stereotypes

One of the show’s most commendable aspects is its commitment to breaking stereotypes. In a landscape where certain narratives have become all too common, Banat Kharqat challenges these conventions, presenting its characters as complex individuals rather than caricatures defined by their circumstances.

Cultural Impact

It’s impossible to talk about Banat Kharqat without mentioning its impact on viewers and culture. The show has sparked conversations about the roles and expectations of women in society, the importance of friendship, and the idea that it’s okay to be a work in progress. It’s a reminder that television can be more than just entertainment; it can be a catalyst for reflection and change.

A Mirror to Society

By portraying the realities of life in Egypt, the show holds up a mirror to society, highlighting both its beauty and its flaws. This honest depiction has resonated with viewers, making Banat Kharqat not just a show but a part of the cultural conversation.

Reception and Legacy

Since its debut, Banat Kharqat has received both critical and audience acclaim. Its blend of humor, drama, and social commentary has struck a chord with viewers, making it a standout show in the Egyptian television landscape.

Awards and Recognition

While accolades aren’t the only measure of a show’s worth, they do serve as a testament to its impact and quality. Banat Kharqat has been recognized both locally and internationally, receiving awards that highlight its storytelling, direction, and performances.

Why It Matters

In a world where content is king, Banat Kharqat stands out for all the right reasons. It’s a show that doesn’t just aim to entertain but also to enlighten, challenge, and inspire. Its significance lies not just in the stories it tells but in the conversations it starts and the perspectives it offers.

A Show for the Ages

Banat Kharqat is more than just a product of its time; it’s a show that will continue to resonate with audiences for years to come. Its themes are universal, its characters relatable, and its impact undeniable. It’s a testament to the power of television to not only reflect society but also to influence it.


Banat Kharqat is a show that defies easy categorization. It’s a blend of the light and the serious, the personal and the universal. It’s a series that has managed to capture the complexities of life and the human experience in a way that’s both entertaining and enlightening. Through its compelling characters, thoughtful storytelling, and willingness to tackle important issues, it has carved out a place for itself in the hearts of viewers and in the landscape of Egyptian television. In a world where it’s easy to settle for the mundane, Banat Kharqat stands as a reminder of the power of storytelling and the importance of seeing the world through different lenses.

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