Shows Like Asia Express: Drumul elefantului (2019)

Asia Express: Drumul elefantului (2019)

8.8 / 10 (based on 27 reviews)

Genre: Adventure, Reality-TV

Main Cast: Pallav Kaishorya, Gina Pistol, Andrei Bogdan Boanta, Catalina-Alexandra Grama

2 episodes, 45-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Asia Express: Drumul elefantului (2019)

Asia Express Romania (2018)


8.3 / 10 (based on 68 reviews)


Genre: Reality-TV

Main Cast: Sorin Bontea, Marius Damian, Gina Pistol

1 episode

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7.7 / 10 (based on 9 reviews)

The show includes a group of celebrities and normal people divided into pairs of two competitors who fight on a long route of almost 4,000 km to reach a certain destination in a journey divided into several stages.

Genre: Adventure, Reality-TV

Main Cast:

1 season, 6 episodes

Ázsia Expressz (2017)

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6.3 / 10 (based on 50 reviews)


Genre: Reality-TV

Main Cast: Nóra Ördög, Attila Ambrus, Krisztián Berki, Edina Kulcsár

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Asia Express: Drumul elefantului, a Romanian reality TV show that premiered in 2019, has carved a niche for itself in the realm of adventure and reality television. The show is a testament to endurance, strategy, and the human spirit’s adaptability. It’s not just another reality show; it’s an expedition into the unknown, a journey that tests its contestants to their limits, and a cultural exploration that spans thousands of miles across Asia.

The Concept

At its core, Asia Express: Drumul elefantului is a competition that sees pairs of contestants racing across Asia with a limited budget, relying on the kindness of strangers for food and accommodation. The race is divided into stages, with each leg presenting new challenges and tasks inspired by the local culture and geography. The last team to arrive at the end of each stage risks elimination, ratcheting up the tension and pushing participants to their limits.

The Route

The show’s title, “Drumul elefantului,” translates to “The Elephant’s Path,” hinting at the exotic and challenging journey ahead. The route changes with each season, but the essence remains the same: a thrilling adventure across some of Asia’s most breathtaking landscapes. From the dense jungles of Thailand to the bustling streets of India, contestants experience a wide array of environments, each with its own set of challenges and rewards.

The Challenges

Challenges in Asia Express are as diverse as the continent itself. They range from physical tests of endurance to puzzles that require sharp minds and cultural tasks that demand a quick adaptation to local customs. For example, contestants might find themselves racing tuk-tuks in Bangkok, cooking traditional Vietnamese dishes, or performing street dances in India. These challenges are not just obstacles; they’re immersive experiences that offer a deeper understanding of the places and people encountered along the way.

The Contestants

What makes Asia Express particularly engaging is its mix of contestants. They come from various backgrounds, including celebrities, athletes, and ordinary people, each bringing their unique perspective and strategy to the race. This diversity leads to unexpected alliances, fierce rivalries, and moments of genuine camaraderie. Watching how these relationships evolve against the backdrop of such a demanding journey adds a rich layer of human interest to the competition.

The Strategy

Surviving Asia Express requires more than just physical strength or mental acuity; it demands a well-thought-out strategy. Contestants must manage their limited resources wisely, decide when to push hard and when to conserve energy, and navigate the social dynamics of the group. The ability to quickly adapt to new situations and solve problems under pressure is often what separates the winners from the rest.

The Impact

Beyond the competition, Asia Express offers viewers a window into the diverse cultures and landscapes of Asia. The show does an excellent job of highlighting the warmth and generosity of the people contestants meet along their journey. Many episodes feature touching moments of connection between contestants and locals, breaking down language barriers and cultural differences.

Memorable Moments

Over its seasons, Asia Express has given us countless memorable moments. One such moment involved contestants being tasked with selling traditional snacks on the crowded streets of Jakarta. Without speaking the language and with only their charisma and salesmanship to rely on, the teams had to navigate this challenge, leading to hilarious and heartwarming interactions.

Another unforgettable challenge had teams learning and performing a traditional dance in a small village, with the local community judging their efforts. The contestants’ genuine attempts to embrace the culture, coupled with their awkward dance moves, made for compelling television.

The Reception

The reception to Asia Express has been overwhelmingly positive, with audiences praising its blend of adventure, competition, and cultural exploration. The show has garnered a dedicated fan base, eager to see where the journey takes its contestants next. Critics have lauded it for its authenticity, the genuine connections it fosters between contestants and locals, and its ability to maintain suspense and excitement from start to finish.


Asia Express: Drumul elefantului is more than just a reality TV show; it’s an adventure that tests its participants in every conceivable way, a cultural odyssey that spans continents, and a testament to the human spirit’s resilience and adaptability. It’s a reminder of the beauty of our world, the diversity of its people, and the shared experiences that unite us. For anyone seeking a show that combines the thrill of competition with the depth of a travel documentary, Asia Express is a journey worth taking.

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