Shows Like Akikan! (2009)

Akikan! (2009)

5.3 / 10 (based on 164 reviews)

Hobbies are often a great way of meeting new people, but how could Kakeru Diachi, who collects rare juice cans, have ever suspected that he’d meet a fascinating new girl when he attempted to DRINK her? Naming her Melon, because she’s got great melon – soda, Kakeru quickly learns that she’s an Akikan-a beautiful girl who’s also a special can created to fight other Akikans in a strange experiment to determine what kind of container is better: steel or aluminum. Will becoming involved in this ridiculously twisted research project gone amuck complicate Kakeru’s life incredibly? Of course it will, but because Melon’s steel body needs carbon dioxide to breathe, he’s now stuck with her since she’s too CO2 dependent. And when his wealthy, attractive, best childhood friend Najimi gets HER own aluminum Akikan, the trouble really begins.

Genre: Animation, Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Romance

Main Cast: Jun Fukuyama, Sayaka Narita, Aki Toyosaki, Mamiko Noto

1 season, 12 episodes, 23-minute runtime

Shows Most Like Akikan! (2009)

Anazâ (2012)

Atsushi Abe and Natsumi Takamori in Anazâ (2012)

7.5 / 10 (based on 16182 reviews)

A young man named, Koichi Sakakibara, transfers to a new school where he finds himself drawn into a mystery involving a mysterious girl and a series of gruesome deaths.

Genre: Animation, Drama, Horror, Mystery

Main Cast: Atsushi Abe, Natsumi Takamori, Tomoaki Maeno, Monica Rial

1 season, 13 episodes, 300.0-minute runtime

Hanyô no Yashahime (2020)


7.1 / 10 (based on 1104 reviews)

An adventure following Sesshomaru’s half-demon twin daughters, Towa and Setsuna, as they discover the mysteries of their past along with Moroha, the daughter of Inuyasha and Kagome.

Genre: Animation, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy

Main Cast: Sara Matsumoto, Mikako Komatsu, Azusa Tadokoro, Kira Buckland

2 seasons, 38 episodes

Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? (2019)

Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? (2019)

6.3 / 10 (based on 1674 reviews)

A comedy about female teachers who can’t help developing romantic interests in their male students.

Genre: Animation, Comedy, Romance

Main Cast: Ryouta Suzuki, Toshiki Masuda, Sumire Uesaka, Yûko Gotô

1 season, 13 episodes, 12.0-minute runtime

Anime has long been a medium with the freedom to explore the most unconventional ideas, and “Akikan!” is a testament to that creativity. Released in 2009, this series takes a bizarre concept and runs with it, resulting in a show that’s as unforgettable as it is polarizing. Let’s take a closer look at what makes “Akikan!” stand out, for better or worse.

The Premise

At its core, “Akikan!” is a story about soda cans that transform into human girls. Yes, you read that right. The main character, Kakeru Daichi, a typical high school student, buys a melon soda only to find it transforms into a girl named Melon. This is the premise that sets off a chain of events leading into battles between different Akikan (“empty can”) girls who are either steel or aluminum cans, with the supposed aim of determining which material makes for the better beverage container.

Characters and Dynamics

Kakeru Daichi

Kakeru is your average high school boy with a twist. He’s blunt, often rude, and has a perverted streak, making him a less than ideal protagonist for those tired of the trope. However, his interactions with the Akikans and his development throughout the series add layers to his character.


As the main Akikan, Melon is a carbonated bundle of contradictions. Fierce yet vulnerable, she navigates her new human emotions and battles with a sense of duty and growing affection for Kakeru.

Other Akikans

From the bubbly soda pop Yell, who is as sweet as her beverage, to the bitter grape soda Budoko, the series introduces a variety of Akikan girls, each with unique personalities and quirks reflective of their drink flavors.

Themes and Execution

Battle and Comedy

“Akikan!” tries to balance between being a battle anime and a comedy, with mixed results. The fight scenes, while creatively using the characters’ unique soda-based powers, often feel overshadowed by the comedic elements, which can range from genuinely funny to uncomfortably ecchi. This uneven tone can make the series feel disjointed at times.

Ecchi Elements

It’s impossible to discuss “Akikan!” without mentioning its ecchi content. The show doesn’t shy away from sexual humor and fan service, which can be a major detractor for some viewers. While it’s not uncommon for anime to include these elements, their execution in “Akikan!” often feels forced, detracting from character development and story progression.

Commentary on Consumerism

Beneath its surface, “Akikan!” does attempt to make a statement on consumerism and environmentalism. The idea of soda cans coming to life could serve as a metaphor for the objects we use and discard without thought. However, this theme is largely overshadowed by the series’ more flamboyant elements.

Reception and Legacy

“Akikan!” has had a divisive reception since its release. Some viewers appreciate its absurdity and unique premise, while others find its execution lacking in both narrative and character development. Its blend of genres and themes, while ambitious, often feels like a missed opportunity to explore its more interesting concepts in depth.

Cult Following

Despite its mixed reviews, “Akikan!” has garnered a cult following. Fans of the series often cite its originality and the sheer unpredictability of its plot as major draws. In a medium where many series can feel formulaic, “Akikan!” stands out for its willingness to embrace the bizarre.


Critics of the series often point to its inconsistent tone, underdeveloped characters, and reliance on ecchi humor as significant flaws. The potential for a more meaningful exploration of its premise is frequently noted as being lost amidst its focus on fan service and comedy.


“Akikan!” is a series that embodies the idea that not all anime needs to be a masterpiece to be memorable. Its premise alone makes it stand out among the vast sea of anime titles. While its execution may not have lived up to its potential, the series offers a unique experience for those willing to embrace its oddities.

For viewers new to anime, “Akikan!” might not be the best starting point due to its niche appeal and polarizing content. However, for seasoned anime fans looking for something different, it provides a blend of comedy, action, and surrealism that’s hard to find elsewhere.

In the end, “Akikan!” serves as a reminder of anime’s limitless potential for creativity. It’s a series that, for all its flaws, dares to be different, and in a medium as vast as anime, that’s an achievement in its own right. Whether you end up loving or hating it, “Akikan!” is a show that’s difficult to forget.

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