Shows Like A Haunting (2005)

A Haunting (2005)

7.9 / 10 (based on 3313 reviews)

An American paranormal anthology previewing stories told by the victims. Victims tell their terrifing encounters with the paranormal. This show contains narrations, frightening reanactments, & religious content.

Genre: Documentary, Horror, Mystery, Thriller

Main Cast: Anthony D. Call, Andrew Ragan, Kelley Davis, Doug Haupt

11 seasons, 115 episodes, 60-minute runtime

Shows Most Like A Haunting (2005)

My Haunted House (2013)

My Haunted House (2013)

7.3 / 10 (based on 795 reviews)

The shocking eyewitness accounts of terrified people whose dream homes have become nightmares are brought to life in vivid, blood-curdling style.

Genre: Horror

Main Cast: Cordelia Zawarski, Mark Laursen, Anna Ross, Mikul Robins

5 seasons, 50 episodes

Paranormal Survivor (2015)

Paranormal Survivor (2015)

6.2 / 10 (based on 639 reviews)

Real people share the terrifing and supernatural stories of their experience.

Genre: Documentary, Horror

Main Cast: Morgan O’Dwyer, Amaliya Louis, Hannah Kelderman, Judy Malcolm

6 seasons, 70 episodes, 41.0-minute runtime

Paranormal 911 (2019)


7 / 10 (based on 188 reviews)

Paranormal 9-1-1 reveals spine-chilling, dramatic stories where an emergency call led to a horrifying paranormal encounter. This first-person, gripping drama-doc series thrusts viewers into the POV of both the victims and the 911 responders who took the call – Every story is a haunting mix of emergency situation and hair-raising paranormal encounter – from the 911 call, to the first responders on the scene discovering all is not what it seems.

Genre: Horror

Main Cast: Martin Yap, Christopher Allen Brewer, Morgan Knudsen, Mark Keyes

2 seasons, 26 episodes, 42.0-minute runtime

Shock Docs (2020)


6.6 / 10 (based on 159 reviews)

A documentary series that takes a fresh look at true and terrifying tales of paranormal encounters.

Genre: Documentary

Main Cast: Anthony D. Call, Jeff Belanger, Dave Schrader, Jason Hawes

1 season, 10 episodes, 84.0-minute runtime

Introduction to A Haunting

When it comes to television shows that delve into the supernatural and the unexplained, few have managed to capture and maintain an audience’s attention quite like “A Haunting.” Premiering in 2005, this series has become a staple for fans of paranormal activity, offering a blend of documentary and horror that chronicles alleged true-life experiences with the supernatural.

What Makes A Haunting Stand Out?

At its core, “A Haunting” isn’t just another ghost story series. What sets it apart is its dedication to storytelling that feels both personal and universal. Each episode is crafted around real people’s experiences, giving a voice to their encounters with the paranormal. This approach not only lends credibility to the tales but also allows for a deeper emotional connection with the audience.

  • Real People, Real Stories: The series focuses on firsthand accounts from those who’ve allegedly experienced paranormal phenomena. This personal touch adds a layer of authenticity that’s hard to dismiss.
  • Dramatic Reenactments: “A Haunting” employs dramatic reenactments to bring these stories to life. While some might argue the dramatization can lean towards the theatrical, it’s this very element that makes the show engaging and visually compelling.
  • Expert Insights: The show often includes insights from paranormal experts, clergy, and others, providing a broader context to the personal stories and adding an element of analysis that’s both informative and thought-provoking.

Memorable Episodes

Over its many seasons, “A Haunting” has presented a wide array of chilling tales. While it’s challenging to pick the most impactful episodes, a few stand out for their intensity and the discussions they’ve sparked among fans.

  • “Lake Club Horror”: This episode tells the story of a club in Springfield, Illinois, haunted by the spirits of its past members. It’s a classic haunting story that combines history with the supernatural.
  • “The Diabolical”: Focusing on a family tormented by a malevolent force, this episode delves into themes of protection, the power of faith, and the lengths to which one would go to save their loved ones.
  • “Hell House”: Perhaps one of the most unsettling episodes, it recounts the experiences of a family in a home with a dark, violent past. The episode explores the idea that some places might be inherently evil.

Why Some Viewers Are Skeptical

Despite its popularity, “A Haunting” has its share of critics. Skepticism mainly stems from the nature of the show’s content—paranormal phenomena, which, by its very nature, is hard to prove or disprove.

  • Questionable Authenticity: Some stories, while compelling, stretch the bounds of believability. This has led to discussions about the line between truth and fiction in the portrayal of these tales.
  • Dramatic License: The dramatic reenactments, though a key part of the show’s appeal, can sometimes be seen as over-the-top, leading to questions about the accuracy of these portrayals.

The Impact of A Haunting

Regardless of where one stands on the debate over the paranormal, the impact of “A Haunting” on popular culture and its genre is undeniable. It has not only entertained but also sparked interest in the paranormal, leading to a better understanding and acceptance of the experiences of those who claim to have encountered the supernatural.

  • Cultural Influence: The show has contributed to a broader acceptance and interest in paranormal investigation, inspiring both skepticism and belief in equal measure.
  • Educational Value: Through its expert commentary and exploration of historical contexts, “A Haunting” has an educational aspect, offering insights into the beliefs and practices related to the supernatural across different cultures.

Personal Anecdotes

Fans of “A Haunting” often share their own experiences with the paranormal, citing the show as a catalyst for their willingness to open up about such encounters. Whether it’s a strange coincidence that mirrors an episode’s story or a personal experience that finds validation in the show’s themes, “A Haunting” has become a communal space for sharing and exploring the unknown.

The Future of A Haunting

As the fascination with the paranormal continues to grow, so does the relevance of “A Haunting.” With new stories of the supernatural being reported regularly, the show has an almost endless reservoir of material to draw from. The future of “A Haunting” seems secure, as it continues to evolve with its audience’s changing tastes and the advancements in technology that allow for more sophisticated storytelling and investigation techniques.

  • Technological Advancements: The use of newer technology in paranormal investigation can provide fresh content and perspectives for future episodes.
  • Global Stories: Expanding the geographical scope of the stories could bring a richer diversity to the series, exploring hauntings and supernatural beliefs from cultures around the world.


“A Haunting” has carved a unique niche for itself in the realm of paranormal television. By blending the personal with the paranormal, it offers a compelling look at what might lie beyond the realm of our understanding. Whether you’re a believer in the supernatural or a staunch skeptic, the show provides a fascinating glimpse into the unexplained, making it a must-watch for anyone intrigued by the possibility of a world beyond our own.

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